He looks at me grinning with amusement, "sorry, can't help it." Deep down, I can still see it's Adrien behind that mask. Not sure how I possibly didn't notice earlier. What an idiot I am. I glance outside to find the sky becoming a little lighter. It wouldn't be long before the rays of sun seeped through the window. However, Paris continued to sleep.

"I think the sun will rise in a few hours. Do you have anywhere to go?"

"Ah, yeah. I guess I do, I didn't mean to stay for so long, my bad. I should get going," he said. I didn't mean for it to sound pushy- I hope he didn't get the wrong idea.

"I don't mind, really. I was just making sure everything was okay at home. I mean, you did come here of all places." Truth was, I was concerned for Adrien. I can see why he may not be able to go home, but was I really the best option?

"Actually... you were the first person to come to mind. I could barely think straight either, I'm surprised I even made it here," he laughed weakly placing his palm on his head. He definitely was out of it the moment he fell into my room, fully dazed and losing blood fast.

"Well then, I'm honoured a hero like yourself came to me of all people for assistance," I joked playfully. He walked over towards me and pulled me into a tight hug to show his appreciation. I blanked for a moment, before returning the hug.

"Really Mari, thanks for everything. You're a real hero," he said pulling away. You bet I am, I think to myself. He really has no idea.

"It's no problem Chat Noir, just make sure to take care of yourself, kay? And seriously, get some rest. You look like a wreck." I burst out laughing, I just couldn't help myself. He looks pretty exhausted, I don't blame him.

"Ha, Ha. Very funny, Princess," He remarked sarcastically. "May I remind you I actually got some rest, you're not looking very alive yourself," he said looking at me with a smirk before pointing to the mirror. I mean, he's not wrong. Looking into the mirror, I see my own tired eyes and messy hair, some dried blood even covering my clothes. Well, that's a little embarrassing, I think to myself. I look back up at him seeing satisfaction portrayed across his entire face.

"Have a good night Marinette, thanks for helping me," Chat said with a bow.

Before I could make yet another snarky comment, he was gone, right out my window that he had collapsed through earlier that night.

Silly cat.

I wake up rubbing my eyes groggily only having gotten a few hours of rest.

"That was the strangest dream I have ever had," I mumbled out loud to no one in particular, a sigh escaping my mouth.

"Uh, Marinette? That wasn't a dream," a small kwami said hovering over my face startling me slightly. "You passed out so fast, there wasn't enough time to talk about what happened!"

"So you saw everything then? Tikki, can you believe it? This can't be real. I must be dreaming!"

"You're not dreaming Marinette. As happy as I am you finally found out, you have to keep this to yourself. Don't be tempted to say anything to him, or your friends!"

"Of course, Tikki. I won't say a thing- I'm honestly scared to bring it up," I told her zipping my mouth shut, throwing away the key.

"I'm still confused, how were you not able to see his tattoo?" The kwami question, still hovering above me.

"Majority of the time it was covered, I didn't get a chance to look, not that I ever would. That's his business, I have no right look at something he's clearly self-conscious of," I told her.

Tattoos ➳ 𝓜𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓾𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓼  𝓢𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓶𝓪𝓽𝓮  𝓐𝓤Where stories live. Discover now