A Ghost from the Past (crazyp01)

Start from the beginning

Billy grinned as he led the way 

"You've got a visitor, wake up 

She hasn't got all day." 

Billy yelled stepping away.

The man took his time 

Moved his arm 

From across his face. 

He got up slowly 

Washed his face 

Purposefully to annoy.

Purposefully to annoy

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"What'd you want, deputy? 

Why'd you bring me a dove 

I got nothin' to tell you 

 That I hadn't told the sheriff." 

He looked at Billy, ignoring me.

"You watch what you say! 

She's the newspaper lady" 

Billy replied severely.

"It's been a while 

I thought by now you'd be 

 More than six feet under, 

But you're not 

Which makes me wonder. 

How long have you known? 

That I was here." 

I asked as calmly as I could.

He looked me over 

"A pretty thin' like you 

I'd be certain to remember 

But I ain't never seen you before."

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"Why is William here? 

Why'd he build that warehouse? 

You work for him, his right-hand man 

Why are you still in jail? 

You could have got you off on bail?"

"That ain't none of your business! 

I've got nothin' to tell you" 

He yelled spitting on the floor.

 "Interferin' woman-" 

He stopped and gawked 

As though as thought has stuck him.

"You nosey brat!" 

He lunged at the bars 

His fingers barely 

inches from my throat. 

Billy swiftly twisted his arm 

And shoved him back 

He fell on the floor.

"You ain't gettin' away this time 

I'll kill you like I killed your mother!" 

He yelled in a rage. 

"You best be sure you don't fail." 

I said in a loud whisper.

I heard Billy follow me 

 But I was out the door 

I gave him no chance to ask 

About the situation before.

About the situation before

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"Something is going on" 

I stormed across the street. 

"Should I snoop around 

Find something concrete."

"I better speak to the sheriff 

There is no time to wait." 

"A penny for your thoughts, Muffin

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"A penny for your thoughts, Muffin." 

He said leaning by the office gate.

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