34 - Back up...What!

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"Yes it's one of them. But I'm not trying to ruin you."

"So there's more?! More that are probably worse than this?"

"No the second thing is better. Far better than this."

"How will I know it is? How can I keep trusting you when it looks like you're trying to get me killed? What exactly could be better than this?" I asked but I didn't wait for her to reply.

I already knew the answer.

"You can't tell me can you?" I asked and she looked at me with the saddest expression I'd ever seen on her.

"How was keeping this to protect me?"

"I knew you wouldn't trust me if you found out. I actually thought you would find out but you didn't and I thought it was best to keep it that way."

"There was no way I could have known. Aiden's company is associated with Martell but the Mundanes aren't associated with the Ciners." I said.

"I'm so sorry Alexis. I know you won't trust me anymore but I wish you can forgive me."

"I don't have any other choice. I have nowhere to go. I can't leave Martell. If they find out who I am, that's the end for me. I have no choice but to trust you."

She looked worse knowing I only forgave her because I had no other choice. Who wouldn't?

I needed to know who I trusted and who I didn't. I couldn't believe I ever considered telling Dante the truth.

I could never tell him. I had to make sure he never knew.

"Will you ever be able to trust me again?" She asked.

"Cam, I've known you for five years and I know everything about you. There's no way I won't ever trust you again." She smiled but it reduced when I continued.

"But it will take a long time. I still acknowledge you as my sister but it won't be the same till I see that your hunch is true."

"Although I can't trust the Ciners anymore."


"I don't know how to trust them anymore. I know it will be hard to stay away from them because I've grown to like them but it's the only thing I can do.

"Maybe I still have a little trust in them. But I will never tell them anything that will implicate me till I know it's safe."

"I understand." She said.

"I'm moving out for a while. If anyone asks, please just tell them to leave me alone." I said and went out of the car.

I strolled to my car and drove to the Martinez household. I packed everything I had and drove to a hotel.

I didn't need their security. I needed to stay away from them.

The next day, I stepped out of the hotel and the first people I saw were Cam and Aiden.

"Sky. I've been calling you but you didn't pick." Aiden said coming up to me. He was about to hug me but I didn't let him.

"What are you doing here? How do you know where I am?" I asked both of them.

The Twisted Truth (Editing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن