First Kiss

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Before we start, I want to ask you guys if Y/N should be in the tournament?

"Are you sure, Draco?" I asked on the familiar path to the Hogwarts Express.

"Yes, love. Even if Potter, Granger, and Weasley are there." Draco assured.

"Yeah but it would be weird. Don't you think?"

"Love, I said that I will not leave your side and I will not." Draco said. "Even if they don't want me to be there, I'm still going to."

"You're too adorable." I smiled.

"No you are." he said hugging me from behind.

"Y/N!" Hermione exclaimed running towards me. "And Malfoy..."

"Granger." Draco spatted and I elbowed him. "Ow! Sorry!"

I rolled my eyes and returned back to Hermione. "Have you seen Harry or Ron?" I asked.

"No, but I think they're already on the train." Hermione said.

"Let's go then." I said.

We hoped on the train and started looking for the boys. After a while, we had finally found them.

"Malfoy?!" the boys questioned.

"What are you doing here?" Ron asked.

"I'm here to accompany my girlfriend, Weasley." Draco smirked.

"I am not sitting anywhere by Malfoy." Ron stated.

"Me too." Harry added.

"That's completely fine by me. I wouldn't want to sit next to any of you but Y/N."

"Oh boy." I sighed.

Draco and I sat on one side of the compartment while the other sat on the opposite side. There was an awkward silence until Harry broke it.

"I'm going to get some things off the trolley." Harry said and went to look for the trolley.

"So Malfoy, how's your fathers dark-"

"Ronald!" Hermione said smacking Ron. This caused Draco bursting out with laughter which caused me to smack him.

Then, Harry came back in empty handed.

"I thought you were going to get something off the trolley." Ron said.

"Oh, uh, I wasn't hungry." Harry said. I noticed that Harry was a bit red and poke my head out of the compartment to see what happened. There, I saw Cho Chang and her friends.

I turned back around to Harry and smirked. "Cho, huh?"

"W-what- uh-" Harry stuttered.

"This is horrible. How can the ministry now know who conjured it. Isn't there any security?" Hermione said putting down the newspaper she was reading.

"Loads according to dad. That's what worried them so much. Happened right under their nose." Ron replied.

"It hurts again, doesn't it?" Hermione asked Harry. "And you, Y/N. Have you been getting any headaches?"

"Just a little. I'm having one just talking about that. It isn't as bad as the ones in our first year though." I answered.

"Get some rest, love." Draco said pulling me towards him.

"Thanks, Drac." I smiled.

"Sleep. I'll wake you up when we get there." he said.

"Alright." I said snuggling him.

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