Dolores Umb!tch!

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I stood in front of the castle in which I called my second home. It was that time again we everyone came back to school. Despite everything that had happened last year, it seems like everyone forgot or is trying to forget about the events.

"You okay, love?" Draco said taking my hands.

"Hm? Yeah, I am." I replied.

"Let's go then." he smiled.

We head in and sat to our according houses. In a distance, there's was this pink figure sitting in a seat with the professors.

"Is that our new DADA teacher?" Harry asked.

"Perhaps but looking at her makes me wanna throw up." I answered.

"I never thought pink could look this gross." Ron added.

"Shush, you guys. You don't know this professor yet. She could be nice for all we know." Hermione said.

"You want to bet on that, Hermione? That profession is literally cursed."


"Sorry, sorry!" I apologized.

The first years came and got sorted into their houses. Then, Dumbledore gave his usual speech at the beginning of the year when he was rudely interrupted.

"Achem." a high pitch, an annoying sounding, obnoxious voice interrupted. "Achem. Thank you, headmaster, for those kind words. Well, it is lovely to be back at Hogwarts, I must say-! And to see so many happy little faces looking back at me, I am very much looking forward to getting to know you all; and I'm sure we'll all be very good friends." she smiled.

"Did she really just say that?" Ron whispered.

"I really don't like her," I whispered back.


A day later...

"Okay, what if she isn't that bad?" Draco said.

"Do you have any idea how much you sound like Hermione right now? I just have a gut feeling that she's not going to be a good teacher!" I explained while on our way to DADA. 

"And what if your gut feeling is wrong?" he questioned.

"Have I ever been wrong, Draco?"

"Well- no..."

"Exactly," I remarked.

When we got to the classroom, I took a seat next to Julie who was busy stuffing her nose in a book.

"What are you reading?" I asked.

"Hm? Oh! Nothing in particular. I'm just trying to get into reading more lately, y'know?" she answered.

"You? Reading for once?" I teased.

"Hey! Don't treat me like that! I may not be as smart as you or Hermione but at least I have a brain in here," she said pointing to her head. "... at least I hope there is..."

I laughed at her antics and took my book out too.

"Well, good afternoon!" Umbridge said to all of us. Some mumbled and it clearly didn't satisfy her as she said, "Tut, tut. That won't do now, will it? You should all reply with 'Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge.' Now, one more time, please. Good afternoon, class!"

"Good afternoon, Professor Umbridge." we all said in unison.

"Now, that wasn't so hard was it?" she smiled. "Wands away and quills out, please." 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2021 ⏰

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