New Friends

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Bloom and I talked on the rest of the way to Alfea. She told me all about her world and I told her about mine.

When we arrived, there was an old-looking woman waiting for us.

"Headmistress! So nice to see you again!" Bloom beamed.

"It's nice to see you too, Bloom. I see that you have met Y/N." she smiled.

"It's nice to meet you, ma'am." I greeted.

"Yes. I am Headmistress Faragonda. I hope you will enjoy your time here at Alfea." Faragonda said.

"I think I will." I smiled.

"That's good to hear. Now, I know that it'll take some time adjusting to a new school and it's policies. Since you have met Bloom, you will room with her as well as her friends."


"Now Bloom, please take Y/N on a tour and tell her about our systems. Y/N, tomorrow, before breakfast, please come to my office so we can discuss your class. Now, go along you two. I'll handle your bags Y/N so no need to worry."

"Great! Let's go Y/N!" Bloom said taking my hand.

Draco POV

Y/N hasn't even been gone for a whole day yet and I already miss her. I miss her smile and everything. I know that she'll only be gone for four months, but that's still a lot of time.

I sat at my desk and took out a parchment and quill.



Bloom had shown me around. Now, we were heading to her dorm. Well, um, our dorm I guess.

We walked in and I gasped at the sight. It was amazing. It was a bit girly though. This room was basically the common room.

"Home." Bloom breathed.

"Bloom!" multiple voices said.

"Hey guys."

"This must be the new girl, right?" a purple-haired girl asked.

"Yes. I'm Y/N." I smiled.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Tecna. That is Stella, Flora, Aisha, and Musa." Tecna introduced.

"Hi." they all said.

"It's nice to meet you guys."

"O, m, G. Your outfit! I love your outfit! We'd you get it from?" Stella asked.

"American Eagle." I answered.

"Hm. Never heard of it. Where is it?"

"In America."

"Oh, that's why I never heard of it. You HAVE to take me there one day!" Stella exclaimed.

"Stella over here is a little fashionista." Bloom said.

"I can tell." I laughed.

"Anyways, girls, Y/N needs to settle in." Bloom said. "Come, Y/N. This is our room."

I opened the door to see that my stuff was already there. It was just like Hogwarts.

"Here, let me help you unpack." Bloom said.

Just then, everything came flying out to its places with a wave of a hand.

"Whoa!" I beamed. "Can you teach me how to do that?"

"Of course!" she replied.

Bloom taught me how to do that trick. I tried it and got it on the first try.

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