Chapter 4

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The disappearance of Peeta's heat and desire leaves me slightly empty, and all I can do is stand there, the bite on my neck still dripping blood. My heart still pounds faster than it probably should - and I couldn't decide whether it was because of nerves or because he drank too much from me. It has never really dawned on me that vampires have fangs, and have a thirsting for blood rather than food. Even if Clove and the others had attacked me - they'd only gotten so far as pinning me down before Peeta found me.

Right. Castle full of vampires.

I quickly find a washcloth and drench it with cold water, swiping it over my neck and face a few times to try and relieve myself of his touch.

I throw the cloth into the sink, flopping down on my bed with a heavy sigh afterwards. Did Peeta just kiss me? And I let him?

I smile to myself a little.

A few days later.....

No matter what I tried to do, Peeta consistently avoided me at all costs. Even walking around the halls to waste some time, I'd only catch flashes of wings or a person turning a corner; but even then, I wasn't sure it was him. To be honest, I am a little disappointed.

My arrival to the castle had slowly allowed my feelings for Peeta to grow. With every smile, careful touch, and kind actions, Peeta has wormed his way to my heart. And the kiss - sometimes I dreamt about it, whether it be during the day at the boredest hours or at night in my deepest slumber. Peeta was there, even if he wasn't really. Still...

I kind of miss him.

Johanna's P.O.V.

I can tell something is going on between Peeta and Katniss. So I have a plan.

"Finnick," I call, walking into his large bedroom.

He eyes me as if he can already see the gears churning in my head. "Hey Johanna," he says, still giving me that curious look.

"Have you noticed anything weird with Peeta and Katniss?" I ask him, crossing my arms over my chest. He sits on his bed, frowning as he considers my question.

"Not really," he replies slowly. His eyes flicker up to mine. "Why?"

I smile deviously. "Well, I kinda think something happened between them because they're not talking anymore." I pause. "I think we should make them a nice dinner and they can share a dance in the ballroom," I say. His eyes light up, and instantly he nods.

"Yes, yes that's good. We have to make it wonderful," he says, a smile on his face.

I return it, nodding as well. "I know just where to start."

Peeta's P.O.V.

Staying away from Katniss has proven the hardest thing I've ever done. But every day away from her, I feel myself fall back into who I used to be - a cold-blooded vampire. Not once did I leave my quarters in Westing Manor, and any time a situation required my presence, I made it quick and short. At night, Katniss plagues my dreams. Her scent, her taste, the way she moaned and breathed and leaned into me -

The sleep medication would've killed me if I were a human. Every night, without fail, I take a handful of them and hope they sweep me away before my mind takes me to where it truly wants to lie. So I sleep and I watch those petals slowly unfurl into red ones, counting each day and minute and second that I was there.

God, how did I let myself get so out of hand? I scold myself. I am a monster. This rose should turn red already... I don't deserve to live the rest of immortality.

Fire & Silk; A Vampire Everlark AUWhere stories live. Discover now