Chapter 1

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4 years later

Katniss Everdeen's P.O.V.

After training almost our whole lives before being Reaped, Gale and I quickly rose to the title of the best Vampire Slayers in Panem. Today, we are graduating Slayer academy to become official Slayers. We will get orders from president Alma Coin, and if anything takes a wrong turn, both of us are to take care of it.

My mother worries about me... ending up like my father and all that. But I always tell her that Gale can protect me. She doesn't get why I reply the same way every time - says that he's only a human. Of course, sometimes I forget that she doesn't know Gale's secret. He hasn't told anybody because they will take him as a threat and ban him from our land.

Our graduation is held at the Slayer academy, every one of the Reaped people for this year waiting patiently for the Headmaster and Mistress. Gale and I sit in the back, watching as others' names are called and people slowly file up to the stage.

What is only a few minutes feels like hours until my name is finally called. I stand and walk towards the stage. I and Effie have gotten closer over the four years of training - hell even me and Haymitch as well. Effie hugs me and hands me a pen and paper to sign my signature, saying that I will, at all costs, protect my district and never let any vampires, mythical creatures, or any bad things hurt us. I sign my name and sit at the back of the stage waiting for Gale's name to be called.

Gale is called and he signs the paper and sits beside me, I smile at him and get a warm smile in return.

"This year's Slayers of Panem, please stand," Effie announces.

We all do. People from the stand file down and make their way to each and every student. They are giving them something. We are a bit far back, so I can't see what it is.

"These are your armbands that will let everyone in your District know who you are, and who you serve. They are all coordinated to your District's main trade. They reach me and Gale and they move to extend our arms. They tie a white armband with a black rose in the center. I assume for coal mining. What else is black in 12 besides the ash and dust?

"Remember, it is of the utmost importance to keep everyone safe."

When me and my family get home, Prim says she wants to stay outside for a little bit. My mother nods, and we walk inside the house. My mother starts working on the laundry and I make a sandwich for everyone for lunch.

Primrose's P.O.V.

I sit out on the porch with a little twig in my hand, dragging it across the sidewalk. Wind stirs my hair, even with most of it pinned to my head in neat braids. My focus was so pinned on what I was drawing, I didn't hear the first few mews of sound. I look around and see a cat; its fur is scruffy with orange and white colors, half of one of its ears missing. Interested piqued, I stand and follow after it as it slowly padded away.

"Here kitty, kitty," I say in a soft voice, so I don't scare it away. But he keeps walking away. I sigh and continue following him. He goes to the gates and walks out of them. I hesitate for a moment, considering if I should follow him.

He looks like he needs food and water. I have to get him and take him home. I chase after him, trying to herd him back into the District. Without paying attention to where I'm going, he leads me deeper into the woods.

I finally catch up to him, and I bend over to pick up the sad-looking cat before he gets away again. I pet his head and he meows, a purr rumbling through my arms. As I finally stood up and looked around, I found myself surrounded by half-dead trees and underbrush. Even as I start to carefully pick my way back to the district, a heavy snap sounds from behind me. I whip around, the cat struggling in my arms as I grip it too tight. Fear washes over me.

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