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'Be thankful for everything that happens in your life; It's all an experience

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'Be thankful for everything that happens in your life; It's all an experience.'


I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn't even realize that my train journey is over and I have already reached Daegu. I sat still in my seat waiting for the other passengers to get down first.

A wave of remembrance hit me when I sensed the familiar scent of my home town. I hailed a taxi after I came out of the station.

I looked out of the window, the sprinting trees, newly built building, streets shining with the street lights and people busy in this festive season.

"The city has changed a lot.", I said unconsciously as I was awed by how much the city had changed within these two years.

A lot had changed within a span of two years. As we entered my neighborhood, I abruptly told the driver to stop the taxi. I came out and stood in front of a building, which was known to me for many years.

I looked up at one of the windows, which was closed. I turned and looked at my right in the empty street.

Wish I had come earlier that day.

DAEGU; 2009

It was the new year night and people were enjoying and having a good time with their loved ones. Whereas students like me were busy racking their heads for the next day's exams.

I was totally immersed in my book when I sensed my mom entering my room as I saw her from the corner of eye holding a tray with my dinner.

She said something to me but I was too much occupied in my studies. I knew she was talking about the dinner so I just nodded my head and told her to leave it there. She then came to me up as she caressed my hair.

"Best of luck. I know you will ace the exam. And don't forget to pack your remaining things.", saying so she left my room.

Days passed and our exam results came out and fortunately all my hard work paid off well. I had been selected for SNU. That night, I had a small celebration with my parents at our home.

I was really happy and couldn't wait to share this news with Yu-Rin. Jimin was little upset since he was going to study in Daegu only. But he was still happy for me.

The next day, I ran out of house and went to Yu-Rin's place. I rang the bell but no one opened the door. I then saw that a huge lock was hanging outside the door. Confused, I looked up at Yu-Rin's window.

"Taehyung? What are you doing here?"

I turned to see Hoseok hyung who lived in our neighbourhood as well. I bowed my head in respect as he continued speaking.

"I met your dad just now. He's looking for you. You have to leave for Seoul now."

"Hyung, do you where did Uncle and Auntie Bae go?", I asked as my heart was raging.

I totally ignored what he just said or the fact that my parents were waiting for me to leave for Seoul.

"Ohh.. I heard Yu-Rin scored poorly in her exams. So her parents took her to Busan yesterday night itself. Her Dad was really furious. She's going to stay at her Aunt's and continue studying there."

Those words pierced my heart like millions of arrows. I couldn't believe what I just heard. All that I had planned and dreamed of was gone in a blink leaving nothing behind.

All that was remaining was an endless maze of emptiness which I wouldn't be able to come out of.

But now there was no going back. Now all I could do was regret. Regret about everything I did, every cruel word I said to her.

I dragged myself back to my home lifelessly. I saw a moving van waiting outside my house with all my things in it.

I was sad about living my home town, leaving my parents and Jimin and
starting a new life in a new city where I've never been to before. But I was more sad about going alone.

As the van moved, I looked outside my window waving at my parents and Jimin. I closed my eyes, as the cold wind was hitting my face. My thoughts were running so loud that I could clearly hear them with my own ears.

'Yu-Rin, I thought we'd be going to that university together. How could things be turned out this way? No matter what I do, I just can't get you out of my brain.'

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