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‘A smile happens in a flash but the memory can last a lifetime

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‘A smile happens in a flash but the memory can last a lifetime.’


“How was the first day of your highschool?”, asked my mom.

Four of us were now sitting in
the dining room. Yu-Rin took a sip of her tea before answering.

“It was really nice Auntie. There were some students from our middle school too.”

“What’s so nice about going to school?”, I said.

I never understood why Yu-Rin was so
enthusiastic about studies.

“Oh come on, I know you are sulky because you are in a different class from us.”, said Jimin teasingly.

“It’s okay. Afterall, these three years are going to be the last for three of you together. So make sure to make the most out of it.”, said my mom as she smiled gently.

“What do you mean this the last? We three are going to last forever.”, I said as I stood up from my seat.

Jimin nodded his head and held my hand in agreement. I turned to look at Yu-Rin, who was looking into the air.

“What do you say, Yu-Rin?”, I asked. She looked at me with a faint smile and got up from her seat as well.

“I should go now. It’s getting late.”

“Hey, stay with us for dinner. Tae will make his special Japchae.”, said Jimin pleadingly.

“Yes, stay. My cooking skills have really improved now.”, I said not wanting her to go so soon.

“Next time. I promise. Our teacher gave us a lot of homework even on our first day.”

My mom smiled as she saw Yu-Rin being serious about studies. She then looked at me with hopeless eyes.

“You should learn something from her. She’s serious about her studies. Unlike you, goofing around all day.”

“Good evening children!”, said my father, who just came back from work, saving me from my mom's lecture.

The three of us greeted him. My father is usually cheery. But today, it seemed as if he can’t stop smiling. And this made me quite suspicious.

“Kids if you don’t mind, I have a favour to ask.”, said my father.

The three of us sat in our garden behind my house. I was all grumpy whereas Jimin and Yu-Rin were quite excited.

Yu-Rin, who was sitting between Jimin and I, was busy setting his bangs while both of my parents were looking at us with a wide smile on their faces.

“This is not fair Dad. Yesterday you gave me such a big lecture on not wasting my money on buying music cassettes. And now, you yourself bought a branded camera.”, I protested.

“But even after me telling you, you did buy those cassettes, didn’t you?”, said my father.

“That’s because he’s your son after all, honey.”, sneered my mom.

“Okay now just stop sulking and smile.”, said Jimin.

“I am smiling.”, I said as I forced a smile.

“That’s not how you smile. Where’s the box? Where’s the box?”, said Yu-Rin as she tickled me to death.

I finally bursted into a laugh causing a box like grin on my face.

“Okay children. Now look at the camera.”, said my father as he looked into the camera.





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