(29) Warnings and intruders

Comenzar desde el principio

I mean, give a girl some time to think.

"It was the night Alec found you wasn't it?" Izzy suddenly asks, a curious look on her face.

"Yeah, how did you know that?" I ask, a bewildered look on my face.

"I knew it. You guys were acting super weird when you got back, all longing stares, blushing when you caught each other's eyes, and even your story felt like there was holes in it." Izzy says expertly, a satisfied grin on her face now that she had figured out all the missing pieces.

I laugh slowly as I lift from my space, walking next to Clary and leaning against the podium, my legs stretching out before me.

"It wasn't that expected honestly." I shrug, a small laugh emitting my lips "This demon attacked me, pretending to be Alec, and, well he saved me. I was happy to see him- but I still felt so much anger towards him, for the lies and for everything that had happened." I said, biting my lip nervously, not being used to telling this story, or opening up about how I had felt back then.

"You don't have to tell us the personal parts, let them stay between you and Alec" Izzy says, an assuring smile gracing her features, as Clary rubs my shoulder, nodding in agreement.

"I was really emotional, I've never felt like I belonged in this world but Alec, he reminded me that I did and I guess we both opened up to each other. He made me realise that I wasn't a bad Shadowhunter and that Valentine didn't dictate who I was and well, in that moment, we were both vulnerable and being open about how we felt about each other and we kissed. And it felt right, like fireworks and electricity." I said, smiling to myself, the memories of that night coming back to life and igniting my entire body.

"God, you really like him. I don't think I've ever seen you like this before." Clary says, a genuine and happy smile on her face, making me giggle, since she most definitely was right. However, my grin is cut short by the look of sadness on Izzy's face, she seemed happy yet almost like she had seen a ghost.


Immediately, she turn her attention back to me, her smile back on and eyes twinkling at me. "You guys are seriously made for each other, you should talk to Alec and tell him how you feel. It would be dumb to leave it too long and have something get in the way" Izzy says, her expression strained and voice grave.

I didn't know what she meant, but it sounded like a warning.


I walked down the corridors and further away from Izzy's room, my mind still spinning with her words.

'It would be dumb to leave it too long and have something get in the way'

What did that even mean?

And why did it make me feel like curling into a ball and hiding in a hole where no one could find me?

I knew that I had to talk to Alec, not because something could get in the way but because deep down, I knew that I was seriously falling for him, and I couldn't contain it any long. I mean, he might not even feel the same way, or maybe he will feel the same way, but I won't be certain until I confess how I feel and start the conversation.

Because god knows Alec will never start it.

I shake my head in frustration, the emotional battle I had in my head was beginning to give me a migraine. I continued down the long corridors, my memory already tracing and remembering which corridor led where, which is a far cry from when I first arrived at the institute. The place was like a maze back then.

I turn the corridor and pass an open door way, and unexpectedly a small figure rushes out the second I step forwards, making me gasp in surprise but luckily not get knocked over.

Belonging | Alec LightwoodDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora