(56) Hunt

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I stalk through the Institute, revelling in the silence of the empty corridors

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I stalk through the Institute, revelling in the silence of the empty corridors. It was always the best place for some quiet, not to mention an easy time to have to myself before all the chaos begins.

And I was yet to not have a chaotic day since coming here.

I'd received an alert a few minutes ago about a briefing, about what I have no idea, though it was probably for Jace or Valentine or that stupid Cup.

Though nothing could sour my mood today.

I can't help the small smile that graces my lips as I think back to this morning with Alec. If I focus enough, I can still feel his lips on mine and his hands ghosting over my body. I shiver just thinking back to it.

"Hey" I look up seeing Clary making her way down the corridor on my left, on her way to the briefing.

"Hey" I reply, nodding, stopping as she comes to stand next to me. "Any idea what this is about?" I ask though she shakes her head with a shrug.

"Your guess is as good as mine" She sighs, and we continue our steady pace through the corridor. We walk in silence, not having much to say and both enjoying the peace.

For a few seconds, that is.

"I saw Alec earlier," Clary says and I glance to her momentarily, seeing her smirk "He's glowing... kind of like you right now actually" She mocks, looking me up and down. I swiftly feel my cheeks heat in surprise.

"Shut up" I mutter, nudging my shoulder against hers as she guffaws.

"Oh come on, you spent the night in his room and Alec comes out looking like you raise the sun every morning" She teases, her brows raising insinuatingly. I scoff, folding my arms as I pretend like I have no idea what she was talking about.

"Risa, I'm your sister" I remind her, brow-raising "If anything did happen, would you even want to know the details?" I smirk as her face falls, disgust lining her features.

"Ew" She grimaces, "Good point"

I laugh, shaking my head at the horror across her face.

Serves her right.

"Clary, Cam"

We both turn upon hearing our names and our mother rounds the corner, her weary eyes falling expectantly upon us. My mood tightens, my lingering anger making it hard for me to let it go.

My mom looks at me, swallowing and wringing her hands as she does so. When I don't say anything, she sighs, turning her attention back to Clary.

"I heard you went to visit Jace," She says, "How is he doing?"

I almost scoff, instead, I choose to fold my arms and turn slightly on my heels away from her.

"He's in the Silent City... How do you think he's doing?" Clary deadpans, looking at our mother dead set.

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