13 : 𝖠𝗆 𝖨?

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I entered my apartment anxiously as I went out to buy something from the pharmacy one night. It's the end of the month and my period never came. I never had any delays nor problems with my damn uterus my entire life. I also felt dizzy and nauseous when I woke up. Though I'd hate to think about it, the fact that something happened between Beomgyu and I urged me to make sure.

I never told him that I was feeling unwell. I didn't want him to worry and if it ever turns out just like how I dreaded it to be, I'm pretty sure he'd be horrified.

"Shit.." I sighed as I pulled out a pregnancy test and went to the bathroom.

"I'm not fucking ready.."

I did what was instructed according to the box. I left it on top of the sink for a while and filled the bathtub with water. I stripped down my clothes submerged myself in afterwards. I didn't want to see the result yet.

The cold water enveloped me, making my heart pound wildly in my chest. I turned off the faucet to ease the ambience. The thought of me being pregnant made me scared. I was never ready. How come I didn't think of it from the start? I didn't want to be a mom at an early age. I wasn't even married yet!

"What would he say?" I teared up. "If it turns out positive, what would he say?"

Surely, Beomgyu would also not like the thought of being a parent at the moment. Not at a time like this.. But if someone's already living inside me.. I'd hate to take its little life away.

"Damn it.."

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I lowered my upper half into the water.


After half an hour of crying, I finally decided to get out of the bath. I wrapped my body with a towel and walked straight to the sink. I deeply inhaled and took the courage to face the truth.

I picked up the test and read. There were 2 red lines indicating one obvious thing.

"I'm pregnant.."

All of a sudden, I heard my phone go off. I hurriedly ran to my room to get the call. It was Beomgyu.


"Hey, Y/N!"

"Why did you call, Gyu?"

𝖪𝖾𝖾𝗉 𝖬𝖾 𝖠𝗐𝖺𝗄𝖾 | 𝖢𝗁𝗈𝗂 𝖡𝖾𝗈𝗆𝗀𝗒𝗎 [Unedited]Where stories live. Discover now