C H A P T E R - 3 - Part 10

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"Mrs. Brindha Keshav. Reach home safe" she continued.

We stood there and it took some time to recollect what my mom actually said and when we realize that, the joy was unbounded for me and I made a scream of ecstasy. It was for this moment that we both were waiting for and this word is what we both wanted to hear and it has been heard and finally it was worth the wait.

Brindha became too emotional and ran towards her, hugged her and there were happy tears that flowed all the way in the cheeks of Brindha. Mom wiped them and kissed Brindha on her forehead and my surrounding became too happy and emotional for me. 

Seeing Brindha and my mom happy is my ultimate goal and today it has finally happened and it has taken 3 years for us to achieve. I saw my mom who was watching me and I went to her, hugged her and said "Love you mom"

With Brindha on her left shoulder and me on the right, this moment was the most beautiful moment I will ever have in my life and it is sure to be etched in our memory forever. In about a week's time, both our parents met and decided to have the engagement during the 3rd week of January and our marriage in the next month.

Finally in February, we would be officially being a married couple and time now began to tickle even more quickly. The engagement event was held with close knits and family members from both sides. And the shopping began from gifts, jewels, dresses and every minute aspect were given detailed importance and we ensured that there is no mistake committed on the big day. 

With all arrangements happening on one side, the shopping on the other, days seemed to slipped even more quickly and finally the wait was as our marriage day arrived. The priest was performing the necessary rituals and at sacred time, I tied the sacred thread around Brindha's neck and thereby making her as my wife. 

The moment seemed so beautiful for both of us. After all the hardship that we faced all through the years, this was the moment we were waiting for and finally in February, it happened with much fun fare.

Finally in FebruaryWhere stories live. Discover now