C H A P T E R - 2 - Part 3

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"You can be at the office once you are fully recovered. I will handle that Raghav" I completed.

She smiled and went upstairs with her friends and I reached my place. I couldn't sleep that night. Neither I couldn't I think of anything beyond Brindha and her health for the next few days. I was constantly following her health for the days after. Enquiring whether she had her food, her tablets and took enough of rest etc. I was much concerned about her health and in fact, very much to be honest.

We were there at the scan centre, a day before we need to meet the doctor as her dosage got completed that morning. She went in and after half an hour, she came out and we were told that the reports will be available by tomorrow noon. I asked Brindha to be ready and on the way to doctor we will collect the report was planned. With reports in the hands of Brindha and we headed straight to the clinic and was waiting at the reception. 

We were given a token and the no read as 6 and as we took our seat near the reception, only no 3 has gone inside. I was silently sitting with prayers running through my whole body.

"Why are you looking so nervous Keshav??" Brindha asked

"Me??" I asked in a surprise tone.

"Of course, and I could see that in your face"

"I could read the same in your face as well Brindha" I replied with a smile.She smiled and continued

 "Keshav, mom called me yesterday"

"That's nice. How is she?? All fine over there??"

"Good as usual. And it seems my uncle came and showed some pictures of Grooms for my marriage."

"What did mom say for that??"

"She said she will revert back after speaking to me. So she called me and I said I am awaiting a promotion and once I get a clarity I will let her know."

"What does promotion got to do with marriage darling??" I asked with a childish smile.

"It does Keshav. It promotes a girl to women" she said. Not only she is beautiful by appearance, she is brilliant with her brain as well. Brindha, my love, my darling.

By the time we were conversing, token no 5 has already spent 10 minutes inside the doctor's room. In about few minutes, the receptionist called 'Token No. 6'

We went in and I sat at the opposite of doctor and the name board read "Dr. Sita Sivaraman, Gynecologist. She asked Brindha to sit in the chair next to her and started examining with her stet scope.

"How are you feeling now??" the doctor asked Brindha.

"Getting well doctor. Better than what it was few days back." Brindha said.

After that preliminary check up, the doctor asked Brindha to lie on the bed and turned towards me.

"Could you please wait outside??"

"Ya sure doctor" I said and saw Brindha's eyes as I left the room. I was sitting close to the door outside as she won't say certain things to me because I get worried about her health and I was silently praying that there should be nothing to worry about. There were few questions that were posted to Brindha by the doctor as I was sitting outside.

'Do you have pain here??' 

'Now??' were among them that were asked.

About 10 minutes later, Brindha peeped her head out and called me.

"Keshav. Come in" she said.I went in and we both sat next to each other facing the doctor.

"Is she fine doctor??" I asked with an unease tone."Physically she is fine as she had her tablets regularly for the past few days. And the reports??" she asked.

"Here doctor." Brindha said and gave them. The doctor scanned the reports and went through the details reported in them. She saw Brindha and turned towards me.

"How is he related to you" the doctor asked Brindha.

"I am her colleague and you can trust me doctor I won't say to anyone." 

I don't know why I said the last part and that left Brindha irate but actually it came out of my control. I turned towards Brindha but she was really furious with my reply as her face said. I held her hand that was resting on the arm rest. She saw me and I said 'Sorry' with my face like a child.

"He is my colleague doctor and a good friend of mine" Brindha said again.

"Brindha, going through the check up now and from your reports, there are some good things about your health. Like your hemoglobin level has been increased, your resistance level is stable according to it. But, like from the scan report." The doctor paused for a while.

"But what doctor???" I quickly asked. The anxiety in me of knowing what happened to Brindha became more as she held her silence. There were thousands of prayers inside me to every god and every faith that prevails in this world.

"Oh god, please make her say that there is nothing to worry about Brindha's scan report. Just as per reports, the scan also should say nothing for her."

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