C H A P T E R - 3 - Part 6

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I tried calling her mobile all this while and there is no response for it. I called the hand phone in the home and it's dad who always attends the call and all I heard was excuse like 'She is cooking', 'She is on her mobile' or 'she will call tomorrow'. 

There has been many tomorrow passed so far, but the call is yet to be received. I even don't know whether dad knows what is happening between us and I felt that mom would have given a tip-off. On the other hand, the darling at the few streets away from me is making her regular visit for her check up and I ensured that she is leaving office by 6.30 in the evening and taking her medicines and food on time. 

At each visit she is been appreciated for her improvement from the previous time and she quickly glances her lovely smile to me as she knows who the ring master in this part. But it's not like she is dominating me on other aspects. In course of time, Brindha has matured and evolved as a perfect partner to me and she has created a trust in me that her decision in any aspect will not only be right, but also realistic. 

With all these fast and furious events, days were running at rapid velocity and seriously we are nearing the fag end of the year and by all means, we will be completing our 3rd Anniversary in a month. 3 wonderful years of love between me and Brindha. On the first Tuesday of December, my mobile rang and without seeing the display, I attended the call.

"Ya hello" I said.

"Keshav" a male voice with so much maturity and sharpness responded from the other end.

"Dad" I quickly replied before he completes his sentence.

"Yes. And what time you will reach home from office??"

"Around 8"

"Oh.." and there was a minute of silence after that.

"Dad?? You there?? Is everything fine??" I asked with a concern.

"Sorry Keshav. I am fine. Actually I am coming to Whitefield on a work and thought of seeing you. You haven't also visited home since the last vacation" his voice trembled as he spoke and I knew something is wrong.

He is right on his part. After the incident during my last vacation, home coming was actually not coming for me. The pain of my mom still haunts me and the guilt feeling didn't allow me to meet my dad as well. But he will be here in about an hour or so and I felt I should use this opportunity to open up to him and owe an apology for what all happened and make him at least understand what I am going through. And I also decided to surprise Brindha by taking her home and meeting my dad.

"Keshav?? Hello??" he raised his voice a little loud.

"Dad sorry. Most welcome dad and I will be at home by 3" I replied.

"Are you sure?? No problem for you at your office??"

"Not at all dad, see you soon and reach safe" I said and ended the call.

Dad has been to my place only once during the house hunting for my stay in Whitefiled. I informed Raghav and took permission on behalf of Brindha as well without her consent. I searched for her at her place and she was not there. The hunt finally ended in finding her with Shewtha at the pantry.

"Hey hi" I said as I entered

"Hi" said both of them sipping their hot coffee.

"Brindha, we are leaving by 2.30 in the noon today and we are done for the day after that" I said.

"2.30?? No way. That Steve from US will fire me if I don't complete his Project Coding by today." Brindha said.

"That and all Shewtha will take care. I have spoken to Raghav and he is fine with us leaving early."

"What?? Me?? Hell you guys. I can't do all these, I already have that tormenting Taufel to handle" Shewtha interrupted.

"Handle him as well. Say something, she is not well, she is in meeting" I said and continued "Or say she is on leave and it will be in his inbox when he comes next day"

"But it's not that easy Keshav" Brindha said worriedly.

"That I will take care dear and be ready today" I said and started to leave.

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