Matthew lives here?... on his own?

I look around the neighboorhood that seemed to be empty with dead plants, old looking houses and fences

How did he manage to live at such an isolated area?

The locked door won't budge making me sonwhat relieved and anxious at the same time

"Matthew? Matthew! Open the door!" I demanded twisting the door knob frantically

With the side of my face pressed onto the wooden door I volume up my hearing aids to a maximum and...


Not even a footstep trying to act ninja

Not a nervous loud breathing

Complete silence

Gritting my teeth in suspiscion I used my gun to break the knob before preparing to kick the door open with a single heavy boot

Time stops

My blood run cold

My mind stopped functioning

My body went numb

My legs wobbled and I felt myself falling down to my knees the pain being ignored as I blankly stare at the bloodied wall and I read the words over my head again and again, having a hard time to accept what it says

'Matthew Anderson✔️'

Gritting my teeth my head lowered as I glare at the wooden floor that had splutters of dark blood in it

They had him...

White knuckled I seethed through my gritted teeth, hot white fury running through my bulging veins throbbing painfully

They had Matthew...

After a few moments my head sagging forwards, my shoulders slouching in defeat, my hands unclenching, and my breathing quietened and shaky

They had Rafa...

The urge to curl into a ball became overwhelming as my eyes moisten but I refused to ket them flow and didn't bother moving from my uncomfortable position and stayed like that til I heard familliar footsteps behind me but I didn't dare move... I couldn't move... I can't

I just had him back...

"What happened.... here" A shaky voice asked as its footsteps falter

They had him...

Then I could hear and feel him march towards me but I didn't move, my eyes didn't waver from staring at the floor

This guy...

"What happened?!" He shouted from over me and felt him grip my shoulder firmly turning me to his direction "Where is he?! You—"

He's supposed to be with him in the first place.

Something inside me snapped and without hesitation I had pulled him to the floor beside me harshly purposely aiming to hit his head on the floor

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