Chapter 3

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Just saying Thomas and Lyla are six, if they don't sound like they are my excuse is they are mature for their age.

The rest of that day passed by fairly uneventfully. It was late at night and everyone in the pack house had settled into bed for the night. 

Well… almost everyone. 

Thomas was sleeping peacefully in his room when his door slowly creaked open. Thomas didn’t even stir in the slightest. A small figure padded over to his bed. The figure stared at Thomas for a moment with a mischievous smirk on her face. She poked Thomas’s cheek. He scrunched his face a little before relaxing in his sleep. 

The girl huffed before she poked Thomas again, “Thomas! Wake up!” She whispered. Thomas peeked an eye open to see his best friend Lyla standing over him. She was just a little younger than him and looked almost like a carbon copy of her mother. She had Molly’s strawberry blond hair and freckles speckled across the bridge of her nose. Her skin was a light pale color that made her almost glow in the moonlight that was coming from the window. The only trait she inherited from her father was her eyes. They shined like bright pools of sapphire. She had a big grin spread across her face when she had successfully awoken her friend. Thomas rolled his eyes and then prompt;y rolled over covering his head with his blanket.

“Go away Lyla! I’m sleeping.” He whispered to her. 

“How are you talking then?” She was genuinely confused by his statement. 

Thomas sighed and rolled back over looking at her, “I don’t know. Why aren’t you sleeping?”

She smirked, “Let's go play!”

Thomas frowned before glancing out his window seeing that it was brightly lit outside by the moon and stars. “Secret base?” He questioned raising an eyebrow.

“Secret base.” She confirmed.

Thoms smiled and quickly hopped out of bed. The two of them quietly padded out of the house. Not an easy thing to do considering werewolves super hearing, but they had both gotten good at this trick. With little effort the small children were out of the packhouse and trekking through the forest. 

 Not long after they arrived at a tiny wooden play house the whole pack had help to make for the two pups. What the pack didn’t know was the pups would often come out and play while everyone was asleep. 

“What should we play?” Thomas asked.

“I don’t know what you wanna play?” Lyla asked.

“I don’t know...” 

Neither one could come up with anything so they eventually sat down on the bean bag chairs they had. Thinking about what they could do. 

Lyla was sitting upside down on her purple bean bag when she shot up quickly. “I know let's go lay on the roof and look at the stars!”


The two of them worked together to scramble onto the roof. It wasn’t easy in the slightest for the two tiny children, but they managed to get there eventually. Once they did they laid down together and just stayed like that. At some point Lyla started happily chatting about something, but Thomas wasn’t really listening. 

He just stared up intently at the stars. Their bright glow pulled him in. He felt his chest tighten slightly as he stared at them. He wasn’t sure if he liked the feeling he got looking at the stars or not. He glanced at the moon and smiled. He had always loved the story papa would tell him about the moon goddess. He loved looking at the moon because he felt like it was his grandmother watching over him. He wished he could meet her, but papa said it wasn’t likely he ever would. Daddy and the rest of the pack never had. Papa was lucky.

“Look!” Lyla said sitting up quickly pointing at the sky. “A shooting star! Make a wish!”

Thomas frowned, “I wish I was like you and the rest of the pack. So that Papa wouldn’t have to worry so much ‘cause I am human.” Thomas hugged himself as a few tears pricked at his eyes. He hated the yelling. They were supposed to love each other, but all they seemed to do was fight. Yeah they would make up quickly, but still. He might be young but he wasn’t stupid. He knew they were fighting over him. And they had only gotten worse the older he had gotten. Well papa had gotten worse. He understood what papa was saying. Lyla was almost a year younger yet she always could out run Thomas, she could always pin him when they wrestled. She could hear things way before he could that is if he ever heard the thing at all. He saw the things she could do but he couldn’t. He knew he wasn’t like any of the rest of the pack, and he wasn’t positive on why but he knew that scared papa. If he just wasn’t human then maybe…

Lyla grabbed Thomas pulling him into a hug. “I think you are perfect just the way you are! You don’t change for anyone! Or be something you aren’t!” She said trying to say anything to cheer up her friend. 

“But it would be easier if-” Thomas tried to say but was cut off. 

“You know what I wish for?” She stated stubbornly. “I wish I had a bunch of your favorite cookies so I could cheer you up!”

Thomas couldn’t help but laugh at that. She was such a good friend. Suddenly Lyla let out a big yawn, which in response caused Thomas to yawn too.

“Let’s head back.” Lyla said with a small giggle. 

Thomas nodded. The two of them made it safely back to their rooms where they both had lovely dreams. What they didn’t realise was back inside the playhouse sitting in between the bean bag chairs was a plate of freshly baked snickerdoodles just waiting to be eaten.

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