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"J. L. R. Are you all in position? I've secured the front area," A voice said into a Bluetooth headset as she looked around the area, ignoring all of the fans who were shouting. "Remember what I said, if anything happens to this girl, we'll get the shit end of the stick. I'm talking to you, L. Don't fuck this up."

A snort rang through the headset, "Don't worry, J. I won't mess up this time, promise! But we've got the girl, ready to go on your mark."

"Right, we have exactly 2 minutes to get her inside the van and away from the premises, starting in 3...2...1... NOW!"

The one standing in the front of the arena moved her eyes across the area once more, trying to see if there was anyone acting too suspicious. "Come on girls, walk faster. 1 and a half minutes left." She said loudly, knowing the girls were almost to her spot. She began to walk forward to the van, pushing away fans who didn't know what personal space meant. She quickly slid the van door open and turned to her other squad members, who had just reached in front of her. "Please watch your step, Miss Kim."

The one addressed as Miss Kim, quickly scooted into the van, the other 3 girls following inside, the last one being the supposed leader going in last, surveying the area once more before closing the door completely. "Let's get going, Mr. Jung, to Miss Kim's apartment complex."

"Jennie, what have I told you about calling me Miss Kim? Makes me feel old. Especially since I'm your older sister," She raised an eyebrow. "What happened to, Tae-unnie? Hmm?"

The one named Jennie blushed slightly, and looked at her squad members who were giggling behind her, sending them a glare before turning back to Miss Kim. "Sorry, Taeyeon-unnie, you know I'm supposed to be professional on a bodyguard job, even if you are my sister."

Taeyeon brushed back a piece of hair from Jennie's face, that had gotten out of her ponytail and smiled, "I know, Jennie. I'm just messing with you."

"Unnie! Unnie! Did you see how cool we were?!"

Jennie rolled her eyes, "Really, Lalisa? You ask this question all the time."

Lalisa pouted, "Hey! I told you not to call me that! It's Lisa!" She turned back to Taeyeon. "So, unnie? You think we did a good job protecting you? Jennie unnie said she would beat us up if we-"

"Shh! No I didn't! I only said that cause she's my unnie! We have to take extra special care of her!" Jennie exclaimed, her usual calm and collected resolve fading away.

Taeyeon giggled and ruffled Lisa's hair, messing up her bangs in the process, "Of course, Lisa-ya." She turned to the other two girls, "And of course, Chaeyoungie and Jisoo as well."

Lisa pouted as she fixed her bangs, "Unnie! What have I told you about my bangs?!"

Jennie rolled her eyes, "You disgust me, Manoban."

Lisa stuck out her tongue, "You know you love me, Jennie unnie!"

Jennie sighed and smiled softly, "Yeah, I do. But you're still an idiot, no fixing that I guess." She looked to Chaeyoung, "Rosé, you think you could order us some food from that new place you were telling me about? My treat, you all earned it."

With the mention of food, Chaeyoung's,or Rosé (whichever you prefer to call her), eyes lit up and quickly took out her phone. "I know just what to order, unnie!"

Jisoo giggled, "Make sure to order extra rice, you know Jennie likes to inhale the stuff." Chaeyoung nodded cutely and proceeded to dial the number of the restaurant.

"You're so soft, Jennie." Taeyeon said, quietly, as the other three girls decided to be on their phones.

Jennie smiled at her sister and gave a one shoulder shrug, "I've known them for so long, unnie. Plus, as much as I pretend that I dislike Lisa, she's my partner. I wouldn't have anyone else other than her. They're my family, besides from you." She said softly, staring out of the window, not wanting to look at Taeyeon, if she did then she would start crying.

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