I need to escape

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~•So that last chapter was eventful hehehehe this next chapter has the same warning as the last but this one is way more descriptive, the song won't fit till a little later in this chapter. Enjoy my lovelies - Bumblebee🐝✨•~

*Ray's POV*
It was all nice till Jet got out, he was running and that dog could run fast, I chased him till he went into that asylum, it creeped me the fuck out. I slowly approached it till I heard a whimper, I thought Jet had gotten hurt, so I ran in and kept on running till I saw Jet and....a pile of rocks? I looked up seeing that it had collapsed there. I came closer till I saw a body, I was confused I went even closer and I realized who it was..."FRANK!" I yell, tears forming, "Oh my lord what happened?" He looked like he had suffered a lot before he died, you could tell he was dead his usually olive skin being really pale and blood was everywhere you could tell he wasn't just crushed to death, he also bled out, I dialed 911 trying to tell the operator what happened to him through sobs, I could barely understand myself, the lady on the other end tried comforting me but it didn't really work, I mean my best friend is dead could you blame me, I'm only calling 911 because I would hate for his body to rot here, I want him to have a funeral, I didn't want to see this place and be reminded of frank, I wanted it to be taken down and for people to see to not be as stupid as he was and get killed. I was still crying and I almost forgot that Jet was there, he looked so sad, he looked at me with those sad green eyes of his. I knew he was sad about it, he loved Frank to death, he never said it, well that's cause he's a dog, but you could tell with how attached he was to Frank. I pet him to cheer me up but hopefully to cheer him up too. The operator hang up after telling me that and ambulance and police were on their way.

*Franks POV*
Gerard told me not to go down but I needed to I didn't want Ray to see me so that should be okay, I went downstairs to see Jet laying by my dead body, it broke my heart to see that, I almost went over but I knew I couldn't I felt arms hug me from behind, I knew who it was right then, he put his chin on the top of my head, I smiled, "You know it's nice finally being able to be with you." I say. He smiled and kissed my head. "You're my ghost boy." He giggles at that. "Ghost boy?" He giggled even more. "Mhmm." I hummed leaning back against him. I don't think we were even dating yet we were just being- my thoughts were interrupted when Mikey said "Quit being all lovey dovey and move before anyone sees you!" Gerard and I giggled and hurried to the same room we were in before and Pete was being extra flirty with Mikey so Gerard and I left  (now would be a good time to start the song)) wanting to see them like that...ew. "We could go somewhere for a little while if you want." Gerard whispered to me, "Is there any place that's full of nature?" I whispered back just wanting to be around the beautiful part of the world called nature. "Yeah, we don't have to teleport there there's plenty of pretty places behind the asylum we could just walk." So that's what we did,
I did some thinking while we were walking, I've only been dead about a day but I didn't like it here, yes I liked being with Gerard and all but it felt weird being stuck on earth. "How did you deal with being stuck here for centuries? I've only been dead since yesterday but centuries? That's a long time Gee." Gerard smiled at the nickname, only Mikey called him that, I already knew that. "I don't even know Frank, but I've been looking for that unfinished business, this afterlife sucks, I feel like I don't belong here, like I should be far away from here in what everyone calls the good afterlife, or heaven, but I'm not too religious I do believe that there is a heaven but not what you would think of, not the clouds and the angels and definitely not god, like there is a free space for you and other people in your life, that you like, or anyone of your choice." He said looking up at the moon.

And when I think of all the places I just don't belong.

"I don't belong here either, we should escape this one together and find a better one, like the one you said where it's more better and stuff."

I don't belong here we've gotta move on dear, escape from this afterlife.

He took his hand in mine as we continued walking. "Frank, I would love to do that but, we have to find our purpose in life before we can be free."
I sighed. "And you've been looking for it since you first died?" He looked at me with those hazel eyes, the pair I fell in love with. "Yes, it sucks really." I sighed. "Oh wow, this is beautiful." I say looking at the gorgeous setting, cliff looking down at the lake with a bunch of trees around it fireflies were everywhere it truly was beautiful. "I come here to escape from everything being crazy with Mikey and Pete." He says looking at me and seeing if I know what he means, I did and almost bursted out laughing, but I was able to hold it in. "Oh god."
I say giggling a bit. "Yeah they just started doing it while I was around and I was like fuck that and left here." We both sat down feet dangling off of the edge this was nice. "You know Gee, it would be nice to have this area as an afterlife, but of course with a little cottage and stuff." I say smiling. Gerard smiled too. I rested my head on his shoulder and he rested his head on mine we stayed like that enjoying one of the only beautiful things on earth, nature.

~•Time skip•~

Gerard and I got to the asylum and decided to talk to Mikey and Pete about it. "Wait what?!" Mikey said. "If both of you try to find that thing and find it together you guys would leave us!"

Got nothing against you and surely I'll miss you

"Mikes, I know it's hard but you and Pete have to find out how you guys are going to find that afterlife of yours." Mikey looked mad. "Gee, you barely know him! I'm your brother you should put me first!" "Mikey-" "NO GERARD! You don't get that I can't do this without you!" He said voice breaking, this made me feel bad, I was the cause of this... "Mikes, it's okay, we've been together for a long time now, centuries to be exact, we can and will do this together." Pete chimes in kissing his head. Mikey smiled at that. "I love you." He said, Gerard's face turned shocked, has Mikey never said that to Pete? Pete smiled "I've been waiting for you to say that for so long Mikey." He said as they hugged, I smiled, they were finally happy and that made me happy. I was standing there for so long admiring their love that I didn't realize Gerard had left. I walked down the halls realizing that there was a blood spot from where I had died all those hours ago. "Frank?" Gerard asked appearing out of nowhere. "Yes?" I ask. "I visited Ray's house, he has Jet, he looks happy." He said smiling, I smiled too. "Ray mentioned that your funeral is next week. Do you want to go?" He asked. "Yes and no, I don't really like funerals but I want to see how many people come if any, I doubt anyone would come all the way from Jersey, that's a far drive just to go to a funeral." Gerard nodded. Looks like I'm going to my own funeral.

~• Okay! So the end is near sadly 😔 but I had a lot of fun writing this. See you later lovelies - Bumblebee🐝✨•~

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