Vulpix: Ooh I really hope we are going somewhere interesting today. A place with unique fashion would be the best.

Sandshrew: Yeah, I just hope todays challenge isn't as terrifying as yesterday's.

Vulpix: (nods) Yeah.

Sandshrew: (looking out the window) Hey, looks like the plane is beginning landing! 

Rhydon: (to the camera) Sandshrew is right! Looks like the plane is finally landing and the teams will head out to find the first Rhydon Box!

(The plane lands and the six teams are shown running off and out of the airport)

Chikorita: There's the Rhydon Box!

Chespin: (Hits the box and grabs a tip) Welcome to the Netherlands! Netherlands? Cool.


Rhydon: (to the camera) Ah the Netherlands. A peaceful country of Europe that is has beautiful canals and fields of flowers. But that's a bit too la-di-da for my likings, so we won't be seeing any of that today.

(Back at the Rhydon Box)

Chikorita: It says your first challenge is an All In. A bicycle race to the next challenge. Oh that's fun!

Chespin: And from the looks of it we are just following the bike path. Let's get moving.

Buizel: Hurry let's grab our bikes!

Vulpix: Biking? Aww this is gonna be rough.

(In Confessional)
Sandshrew: (laughs a little) You'd think that after everything we've endured on this show so far, something as simple as biking wouldn't be a big deal anymore. Apparently it still is for Vulpix.

(Teams grab bikes and take off riding down the path except for the Pichu Twins)

Rhydon: Um, everything alright you two?

Pichu: No! Ugh, our stupid feet are too small to reach the pedals!

Pichuette: Yeah this is so unfair. (Struggles trying to stretch her leg to reach the pedal)

Rhydon: Okay, okay. Don't hurt yourself, I've got it covered. (Two interns bring out two small tricycles) There, these may be a bit slower but hopefully they work for you.

Pichuette: Yay! Mine is pink and everything!

Pichu: Alright hurry Pichuette, we've gotta catch up to the other teams!

(In Confessional)
Pichu: It really sucks being this small at times. Like now we are behind the other teams just because we were too small for the dumb bikes! What's next? A challenge where you have to ride a roller coaster I'm to short to ride? (Pauses) Actually, if they let us go on it that'd be so much fun (smiles)

(On the bike path)

Chespin: Alright let's keep it going Chikorita!

Chikorita: You know, this is actually pretty fun.

Weavile: Wanna bet?

Chespin: Crud! Where did they come from? (The Athletes ride neck a neck with Boyfriend and Girlfriend)

Weavile: You know we are athletes after all?

Machoke: Haha! Eat our dust losers.

Chukorita: Well even if you pull ahead, we'll still beat you to the chill zone!

Weavile: Sorry, but you won't even make it too the chill zone. (Uses Night Slash on Chikorita's and Chespin's bike tires and the tires pop and they crash) Later losers! (They continue riding along as Chespin and Chikorita recover on the side of the road)

The Rhydonculous Race (Part Of The Total Drama Pokémon Series)Where stories live. Discover now