Shujinkou's Turbulent Weekend Part 1

Start from the beginning

"I see..." Hiro could emphasize with everyone in that scenario. It truly seemed like there was no way that no one could get out of that situation without any emotional scars. There was only one thing the mother could say, even if she knew it was a tad bit generic. Well, you're heart was in the right place, Shujinkou."

"And yet I still upset everybody..." her son let out a disappointed sigh.

Hiro struggled with what she could say next. The only thing she could say that would even stir a different reaction would be to reveal a secret that seemed to go over her son's head. But even if it would explain the fallout of yesterday, it was not her place to reveal such feelings.

"I wouldn't be too worried. I'm sure they won't stay upset for long," Hiro assured him. "They just need a little time alone. Who knows, it's probably already water under the bridge."

Shujinkou scratched his right cheek as he thought about his mother's words. Though he appreciated her assurance he knew the chance that it was already "water under the bridge" was very close to zero percent.

Suddenly, the two heard the doorbell ring. Curious to who could possibly be at their door, Hiro stood up, walked to the entrance of their home and opened it.

"Good morning, Ms. Hiro," Yuri greeted. "Is your son home?"

"Oh, Yuri. Um, yes, he is," Hiro calmly answered. Though she was calm on the outside, she was full of amazement and surprise on the inside. All she could think about at that very moment was, "So, this is what a mother intuition moment feels like..."

Soon, Shujinkou walked to the door, prompting Hiro to take her leave before she could say anything that could embarrass her son.

"Yuri?" he said, surprised.

"Good morning, Shujinkou," Yuri greeted.

The young man scratched his right cheek as he silently stared at his visitor. He was shocked that she didn't seem upset with him.

"Is something wrong?" she curiously asked.

"N-No..." Shujinkou shook his head, trying to regain any semblance of composure he had. "So... What are you doing here?"

"Well, I'm here to accept a previous proposition of yours."

"Huh?" Shujinkou imagined a blue question mark float over his head as he tried to recall what proposition he made to Yuri recently. "Um... I don't really remember any propositions."

"Oh... Well, it makes sense considering everything that happened right after," the maiden emphasized with the confused young man. "Remember at the convention we went to during summer break? You offered to help me not feel like a fish out of water regarding my uneasiness due to once putting down manga."

"Oh yeah, I did offer to do that," Shujinkou scratched his right cheek as he recalled making that very offer. With all the exciting and emotional situations that happened right after, he would have been more surprised if he had remembered. "So, you want to come to my room and check out my collection?"

"Ah-!" Yuri's cheeks immediately grew red as she begun playing with her hair. "As enticing as that sounds... I actually had another idea in mind."

"What is it?"

"Well, there are a couple of things that I wanted to get from the mall today and, since there's a bookstore there, I figured that I would be able to search through their catalogue. I know that this may be a little selfish on my part and inconvenient to you but, is it possible for you to accompany me. I know things will go more smoothly at the bookstore if you're there with me."

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