20 Questions about Family

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20 Happy questions about your family. Enjoy

1. How many members are there in your family?

2. How many siblings do you have?

3. How did your parents meet?

4. What is the source/meaning of your name?

5. Who looks the most like you in the family?

6. What is/are the nationality(ies) of your parents?

7. If you have to describe your family by a movie/serial which one will you pick?

8. If you can make one change to your family, what will you change?

9. The longest you have been away from your family?

10. When did you sleep with your parents last time?

11. Who is your most favourite family member? Why?

12. Who is your least favourite family member? Why?

13. How many pets? Which are they?

14. What is your happiest family memory?

15. What is your saddest family memory?

16. What is the most embarrassing thing your mother or father ever did to you? 

17. What is/are your pet name(s) at home?

18. If you could go back to one day in your childhood, which day would that be? Why? 

19. If your family is a zoo, which are the animals in it? (Ex: brother= monkey, father=bear, mother=peahen, grangfather=Rhino)

20. Imagine a sibling that you lost returning to family. He/she was your twin that your parents lost from the hospital. How do you imagine it? How will you react?

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