New York Nights

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The cold winter wind bit at Romy's nose as she walked as fast as she could down the city's street. The sky had already turned hopelessly dark nearly two hours ago, and Romy  found herself lost under the towering city building. With her phone in her hands open to the map she desperately tried find the street to get her on her way to the subway station and out of the city.

As she walked through the streets, she stared up at all the stately looking hotels and buildings glimmering from all the lights against the night sky. They all looked expensive and royal to her. Romy, found they had their own sort of beauty that didn't compare to that of the country landscape she was used to. She cursed herself for deciding to go out in the city by herself when she didn't even know where or what she was gonna go or do.

She snuggled her face more into her scarf, trying to hide from the winter cold. She was just passing one of these lovely hotels all decked out in Christmas attire, when a small group attracted her attention from the map on her phone. It was a group of three,  all dressed in black.

The woman looked middle aged but looked perfectly regal in her black coat, and gold lace up heels with her brown hair billowing around her as she walked. Behind her walked two boys, one was young and looked about 12 but the other looked about the same age as Romy, maybe a bit older. He attracted her attention, he wore a black turtleneck with a black suit but despite the cold he didn't wear a jacket. His caramel hair settled in handsome waves around his face and his dark brown eyes stared into Romy's as they passed each other. Romy couldn't help but stare and the boy seemed unfazed as he openly stared at her, even turning back to look at Romy one last time before he stepped into the hotel after the group. She didn't know what attracted her so much to him, she thought maybe it was the warm glow of his skin or his gorgeous black eyes, she found herself transfixed. It seemed like in that moment everything had moved in slow motion, like time itself had found the boy just as interesting as she did and wanted to enjoy the view too.

She crossed the street and sat on a bench across from the hotel. She let out a big sigh watching as her breath fogged in the cold air. She was frustrated with trying to find her way in these confusing city streets and still felt a little dazed from the moment before. Romy took this time to admire the night sky, even though there wasn't much to see. The city didn't leave much room for the stars to sparkle like they did in the country. Never less, Romy liked the way the city lights lit up the streets and made everything appear so ethereal. She lifted the camera from around her neck and snapped a few photos trying to capture the city's still beauty.

Romy didn't know how long she spent sitting there or why she did so, but she was too caught up with admiring the city to see the figure approach her from the dark.

"Hey," the figure said and Romy started suddenly woken up from her daze. To her surprise, the figure standing in front of her was the same boy from earlier. This time though, he wore a long tan wool coat that was a couple shades lighter than his hair. A smile played at his lips as he watched Romy's bewildered expression.

" Sorry, I didn't mean to act weird. But you've been sitting here for an hour," he said trying to explain himself. Romy still didn't say anything still stunned that he was here. He continued, " Do you need to use a phone, to call anyone?" He asked, and it seemed to dawn on Romy that she probably looked a little strange sitting on this bench alone, staring at absolutely nothing.

" No, no... I'm just a little lost that's all," she said trying to pull up her map on her phone. She started to get up and walk away.

" where are you going?"he asked, still looking at her with an intense look.

" the subway station." Romy stated and the boy smiled again.

" That's only a couple streets down, I could walk you there,"

" No, you don't need to really, I can find my way," she said, a little taken aback by his willingness to go with her.

"Bullshit, if you knew where to go you wouldn't be sitting here, c'mon," he said and started off down the street. After a second, Romy followed him a little confused about this whole situation. The boy chuckled a little as she fell into step with him.

" I'm Xavier, by the way," the boy said looking over at her. " I'm Romy" she returned trying to look casual and not show how uncomfortable she really felt. But it turned out okay in the end because Xavier was a natural at keeping a light conversation and as they walked together to the station they never stopped chatting.


When they finally reached the station Romy realized she would never have found it without Xavier there to lead her. It was tucked away in a little corner and she almost passed it when he called after her. Once in the station, Romy immediately felt the warmth settle on her as she waited for her train to arrive with Xavier. An awkward silence fell upon them as Romy stood face to face with Xavier, her back to the tracks. Again they stared at each other as if lost in thought, but this time Romy couldn't hold his gaze and found herself blushing and turning her eyes to the ground.

"You take pictures," he said, and Romy looked at him surprised. She had forgotten the camera around her neck and was taken aback a little by the comment.

"Yeah, portraits mainly but I'm not very good,"

"Show me, take a picture of me," he said.

Romy bit her lip, her breaths came shallow. She felt nervous but she didn't know why, he was just some strange boy she met a few minutes away. Xavier took a few steps back to pose for the camera. Romy lifted her camera and started to take some shots. Every now and then she'd give him some direction, finally she held the camera up to Xavier showing the photos she took. Never had she felt more anxious in her life.

Xavier stared for a while and finally said, "Wow, you're talented Romy,"


"Yeah, I love them." Xavier says smiling at her.

"I'll send them to you, just give me your number,". Xavier takes her phone and when he hands it back his hand lingers on hers. Romy catches his gaze again and the same feeling overtook her from when she saw him that first time. Like the whole world just melted away and he was the only one worth looking at.

She heard the train in the background coming into the station but before she could move Xavier was pulling her close to him by her jacket. His hands rested on her hips holding her close not allowing any room for movement. He stared at her without saying a word, then he leaned in and whispered, "See you soon, Romy,".

Then Xavier let her go suddenly and Romy stumbled half dazed into the subway train. She stared out the window for a long time after the train left the station, Xavier's dark eyes imprinted into her mind. She let out a shaky breath trying to shake this weird feeling. Truth is she'd never in her life felt like that before and it scared her.


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I really like this little excerpt because it really feels magical to me.

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