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I start looking around the whole land looking for anything weird. Then I start looking around the ledge, and get the idea, where does it end? I tell everyone in the village the crazy I idea I had, it was the idea of going down the ledge.

Everyone in the village thought I was crazy, except Rico. I start getting unconfident, so I start walking back to the huts. "Hey everyone! You should listen to Kneel! He is our leader right? So we should listen to him!" I hear Rico yell in the big hut. I run in and say "yeah! He's right! Since I am the leader, you guys should listen to me!"

"Fine! Everyone if you don't want to do it, then I will do it myself, and any of you can help me if you want! If you do, meet me at the big fire pit tomorrow morning!" I yell. Then everyone agreed and laid down on their hammocks and beds. I went to bed early In my hammock so I can be ready for the idea tomorrow.

"Hey, wake up they are coming!" I wake up to the voice above me. "What that's not right!" I yell. "I know! We are all confused but we have to go now!" I get up and tighten my gloves, and run outside. "AHHH!" I was just pushed down by a huge bug! "HELP ME! SOMEONE!" I scream in terror!

I see a tube coming out of it's small mouth, and it's getting closer to my flesh! "AHH!" I scream until, I pass out. I wake up on the ground, dead bodies all around the land. Then I start feeling something in my stomach, so I look down at it. I see a huge bite on my stomach! I have to keep this a secret, but that would not be right. I have to go confess to the people, because then I would be guilty my whole life.

I walk into the huge hut, and see everyone making the longest rope I have seen in my life! And they keep adding to it by the minute! Even Rico is there helping make the huge rope! "Hello leader! We checked your pulse, and you were alive so we wanted to surprise you with this rope for your idea!" Rico says.

A bunch of men pick up the rope and say "it's ready leader, come on let's go!" I don't know what to do right now, if I should go do it, if it's too early, or if I should confess that I'm bitten!

I watch them bring the rope to the ledge, and two men hold on to the end of the rope and they throw the huge bunch of rope down the ledge. "Come on leader! It's ready!" "Should we plan this whole thing out first?" I ask in confusion. "No it's already all ready for you to use" the men say.

I start walking to the rope slowly, and get a good grip to it. "Go ahead leader!" They yell. Ok, I'm going to do this, I'm going to climb down to the end, if it does end. I get a better grip and slowly go to the edge. Then I slide down to the side, and I realize, this isn't so bad!

I start climbing down slowly, and then get faster and faster and then I finally see something, but just a little fade of something. When I get lower to see it better, "Slip!" "AHHHH!" I scream after they let go of the rope. I start panicking, and don't know what to do!

"SPLAT!" I pass out at the moment I fall to the surface.

I wake up, in a huge metal box looking thing full of weird purple goo! I struggle to get out, but I manage to get my torso and arms out so I pull myself out. And I saw, what I think is a hope.

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