Hoseok (31) ☑

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It's been three months since I woke up from the comatose state and left the hospital. I'd stay there for a week just to make sure that my vitals were all good before the doctor allowed me to got home.

Then we have a simple celebration as a welcome home for me. But I got surprised when Mrs. Kim came. Namjoon hyung told me that she visited me once at the hospital and informed that she will live far away from us with her husband. Again.

Namjoon hyung also said that he  tried to stop our mom and he tell that she can leave Joong-chan and just be with us because Namjoon hyung can protect her but she said "Joong-chan is the most evil person I know. He will keep attacking you and I don't want that to happen"

That's why I cried of happiness when I saw her in the party. I gave her a hug and apologized on my actions the night I saw her.

I told her that I am not that mad anymore because I heard her explanation when I was still in my deep sleep. I also told her that I know that she tried to become a mom to me since the first time I came to help her at the cupcake shop. We have a little time but it's worth it.

That is the most happiest moment of my life because for the first time, our mom was there. Seokjin hyung also insist for us to have a family picture and I will treasure it the most. But after three hours she bid a goodbye because Jong-chan are already waiting for her. I hug her tight because that was the last time.

I stop remeniscing when we arrive to the place of our date. I park the car first and after that, I look to the passenger seat just to see Jimin's sleeping face.

I came to their house this early morning and dragged him with me even though I know how sleepy he is.

"Jimin" I called soflty and he just groan "We're here" then I tap his face.

He woke up and look around "Where are we?" he asked but I just smile then go out of the car.

It took a minute before he go out also and look at me confuse "What are we doing at the feet of the mountain?"

"We are going up there" I answer then point at the top of the mountain.

"WHAT?!" he exclaimed and walk closer to me "Are you kidding? I didn't have a breakfast. I don't have an energy to go up there"

"Don't worry. I bought you some foods" I answer then open the door at the backseat and get the plastic of foods "Here. Eat first before we go there" I said then give to him the plastic.

"You–" but he didn't finish what he wanted to say and just go back inside the car to eat.


"What comes to your mind and decided to climb the mountain? Because honestly, I'm starting to get annoyed with this steep trails. And as I remembered, you've said it would be easy as memorizing ABC. But it looks like a way to hell!" Jimin fuss at the middle of our walk.

I laugh and said "I told you yesterday that we are going to have a date. So you need to have a good sleep and save your strength for today"

"I didn't know that the idea of date for you is like this" he answered through his gritted teeth.

I didn't say anything and just focus on my walk because there is also sharp mountain slope and we have to scramble through rocks and cliffs.

"I don't really get it why there is some people who are enjoying this activity and I don't have any idea why I allowed you to dragged me into this" I heard Jimin said and I just chuckle then offer him a water because I know that he is exhausted.

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