This cant be

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Samuels P.O.V
I was so relieved that she said yes everybody was looking at us while we both walked out the school gate. But I knew the girls where just plain out jealous haha well now it begins Caroline and I start dating, I wonder where our first date should be it has to be somewhere good hmmm but when I was thinking about I got interrupted by Caroline pulling on my shirt awww that's cute. She pointed to her house and I said "oooo where hear" she says "yep my home sweet home" when she was walking towards her door I grabbed her arm and said "wait" she looked at me saying "what is it" while getting her arm back I said "o sorry but um let's g-go on a date tomorrow!" She said "w-what really" I said "well we are dating now aren't we she said "well ya and ok where did you have in mind?" I said just a walk in town we can meet at the park and head from there." She said "ok it's a date" while heading inside excitedly. I walked away in excitement to for some reason saying "YES it's a date!"

Caroline's P.O.V
Wow a date I haven't been on a date in a long very long time, omg what am i going to where but wait why do I even care but we are dating huuuu man this is going to be hard. So for the whole night I looked for the perfect outfit and the next morning I got out of bed rushed to get ready looked in the Meier a hundred times haha and headed out . It was 11:00 am and I was waiting for Samuel when I saw him he was a little late but that was ok, and he looked amazing he had choppy raven black hair a t shirt of a rock band that framed his body to perfection ripped jeens and a dog tag hanging over his shirt I blushed and he said "sorry I'm late got a little but side tracked" and then he just stopped and stared at me.

Samuels P.O.V
When I looked up to actually see her I was astonished I just couldn't stop looking at how beautiful she was, she had long beautiful it shimmered with light brown highlights in her dark chocolate hair, she was warring a light blue dress with a necklace that was gold and had a red ruby at the end. she asked what are you looking at ia there something on me I know it was a corny thing to say but I said "your beautiful in every way" she blushed and I said "well let's get walking" so we where off we visited a café, looked in some shops, and then it was lunch we saw one of those raffle booths that you turn in a ticket and could win something I say "wanna try" she says "ok let's do it" she we turn in a ticket and the man starts ringing the bell and says "Thea's luck winers won tickets to a amusement park" he handed me the tickets and winked at me saying "good luck Romeo ha" I then say "thanks" and we head for the amusement Park we had a tun of fun we laughed played I acted silly to get her to laugh it was amazing then we saw the fairouse wheel she said.

Caroline's P.O.V
I said "can we get on it shows such a beautiful sun set!" I didn't even realized I was so relaxed with him I grabbed his hand and started to head towards the fairies wheel. we finally got on and at the perfect time the park guy winked at us and we stopped all the way at the top it was such a beautiful sun set, I then look back at Samuel and us face was even more handsome the yellow/pink glow of the sunset made his face look gorges as it made beautiful high lights if dark chocolate in his choppy raven hair, and to top it all of a stunning warm smile. he then looks at me and turn to the sunset in blush, at the corner of my eye i saw him staring at me to and I smiled and then to stop the science he says "Caroline" while blushing his hands where trembling he then said "Caroline I-I-I Like you!" Then he gabs my harm pulling me in towards him and then he hugs my tightly while my face is buried in his chest I then look up at him and see where both staring into each others eyes but the I actually in along time started to blush and get lost in his beautiful eyes and then he kisses me and for some reason I kiss back then with me in his arms we both look at the sunset together and watch night fall upon us. We the get off at the bottom while the fairs wheel guy puts a thumbs up for Samuel I giggle and we go home. when he drops me off he says "so will you dad get mad your home late haha?" I say "I have no dad or mom just me and my grand father who payed off this house and is paying for this house." I then kiss him in the cheek saying "it ok" and go in side all flustered and embarrassed.

Do you really Love meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora