What do i say

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Caroline's P.O.V
I was so shocked what am I going to say, and I don't even know if I can trust him from the reputation he's had with the girls and do I really want this to end up like the past. Well anyway I just was not ready to answer that question thank fully I hear a "ring ring ring" it was the bell that says class is beginning thank goodness saved by the bell, I say "well I don't know I will think about it but class is starting" so I open the door and rush to class when I got there Jessica was in tears the teacher and all the girls where consoling her and the teacher looks up to see me and he says "I need to see you two girls alone out side" I was wondering what did I do then I see Jessica smirk evilly and pretends to cry again ooooo shit she told a lie to the teacher to make me look bad grate. we then all went out side and the teacher said "now Caroline Jessica was crying in class when I came in would you care to explain it" I say "I wish I could but I don't know why she is crying" Jessica buds In saying "yes you do meanie" the teacher says "calm down calm down there is no need for name calling, now Caroline Jessica told me you called her some bad names and hit her because she was talking to a boy you liked" I was so pissed but then I remember our school just got security tape cameras so there where some holes in her lies I can bring out. I say " but Sir she is lying and I can prove it with the video cameras we have in the class room" Jessica's face was scared she says "but there is no need just take my word for it ?" The teacher thankfully got suspicious and said "at lunch I will review the tapes and then after school I will confront you two ok now off to class". I thanked the gods for being on my side to day and getting Jessica busted, but then it hit me the question I still need to give sam a answer huuuu well I guess now is the perfect time to think since I sit in the back of this class well let me think this lie Jessica pulled is just the beginning if I say yes to Sam but do I really want to deal with that plus he has a bad reputation with the girls and do I really want to trust my love and my heart with him but the real question is if he brakes my heart I don't know if I will be able to get back up on my feet again. uuuuuuu why dose this have to be so complicated!

Samuels P.O.V
I'm so worried and I have never been worried about a girls response to my date question because I didn't feel anything for them but now I do and she doesn't even give me a maybe but a I will think about it what of she says no what will I do she is also the link to finishing my promise and if she really dose say no she will be the first girl to say no aaaaaa well I guess all I can do is wait till after school for the answer.

Jessica's P.O.V
During class I was thinking on how I'm gonna fix this if the teacher really dose look at the tape he will relies I lied I got to get to the security tape room and tamper with it so it looks like I told the truth. I got my gang if girls and said "ok what are we going to do or els I will get in trouble!" Tiffany said " well maybe I can distract the security grad after lunch" Diana said "ya ya and while Tiffany distracts the security Guard she will signal me and I will pick the lock. I said "perfect then I will go in to tamper with the tape I need and get out also if he starts coming when I'm not ready distract him we all said "ok!", So after lunch we did the plan and I got in I was looking for the footage of the class argue and I started to panic I couldn't find it where where is it DAMIT then Diana signals me he was coming uuuuuu I'm not ready I signaled her she the tried to distract him but it was a failed I quickly hid under his desk and waited for him to leave again so I can leave. so I waited and waited he never left I was sooo late practically absent for the rest of the day finally he left and I rushed to the nurses office thankfully she wasn't there and I was on the bed already knowing that my girls did the tummy ache lie. then not surprisingly our teacher came hear to find me but then I really felt my stomach turn when he brought us to the teachers room and Caroline was there he said "now I know none of you would do this but after your recess I got the tape so none of you would tamper with it and I'm very disappointed in what I saw" I clinched my teeth as he stared me down and he said " mrs. Tiffany I want a three page essay saying sorry to mrs.caroline and I will have a conference with your parents mrs. Tiffany. noooooo I lost how could this be I'm the best at making peoples lives bad how dammit I yelled "THIS IS ALL YOUR FALUT YOU FUCKING SLUT HORE BITCH!!!" The teacher then yelled "ENOUGH I WILL NOW CONTACT YOUR PARENTS TIFFANY TO HAVE A CONFERENCE TO DAY AND THAT ESSAY IS DUE TOMORROW NO LATER UNDERSTOOD!" I said "yes Sir" Uuu I can't believe this.

Caroline's P.O.V
I was so happy justice was served at first in the class room I was worried because whenever her followers tell the teacher she has a stomach ake that's a sign she did something bad and in this case I thought she had tampered with the footage I was so happy when she was confronted for her crime. well that's the least of my problems when I was about to head home I hear "wait will you go out with me Caroline?!" I looked back to see Sam and everybody aww struck and staring at me in anticipation to see if I would say yes or no this was to much presser but I then listened to my heart and felt something real for him and said with a deep breath "yes!"

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