A Chase for Love

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Caroline's P.O.V
When the light turned green the car immediately was put into race car gear and bolted off. The momentum pushed Brian and I back in our seats finally I get up and look behind us to see if Sam is still chasing us and with out error he is tailing us. We make a sharp turn then Sam crashed into a garbage can leaving him behind after we make another sharp turn which gets me pushed to the door of the car, when I was propping my self back up our car rapidly stops I then fall again to the car door. I look up we are and it on a street light, and it was red when I turn I see Brian who is so angry he is the color of the stop light, he then says "DRIVER WHY ARE WE STOPPING!!" The driver says "calm down it's a red light we still have enough time till he can catch up to me."

Sam's P.O.V
I was catching up to the car I had my hopes up of catching them when all of a sudden he makes a sharp turn, my mind was the distracted with dam that sneaky fucker, right as I get my senses back I see that I'm heading straight for a trash can, it was to late to turn then *CRASH* I collided with the garbage. I was in pain and my ankle was bent a little but then I quickly push my self up and see that I lost them I yell out in frustration"DAMMIT,DAMMIT,DAMMIT WHY DOSE STUFF LIKE THIS ALWAYS HAPPEN TO ME!!" I then stroke my hand thru my hair and lay my elbows on my knees. I felt like I wanted to cry thinking that I might loose my girl to that fucker. I then quickly snap out of it and think to my self it's fine I'm not going to give up I can still win her back. I get up but when I do a quick strike of pain hits me where my ankle is, in this condition I might never get there I look around and see a stick in the trash that I crashed in. I then tear my sleeve and grab the stick I put the stick where my broken ankle was then rapped it tight with the cloth of my sleeve. I picked up the motorcycle and took off.

Brian's P.O.V
A few minutes have passed and we were finally starting to move and the air port was close by so I strayed to relax. Everything was now going smoothly and I could now see the air port from just a few miles away, all there was, was one more stop light then we would be at the air port. When we stopped the driver said "shit sir he is back and right behind us!" I quickly turn around so dose Caroline and we both see Sam on that dam motorcycle tailing us. Then the light turned green and we took off we where going left and right and we still couldn't loose him he was getting closer and I was getting nervous. The air port was now just one mile away then we would park but what then, if we can't loose him he will just chase us!

Caroline's P.O.V
We where finally at the air port and came to a stop with Sam still behind us Brian was pale as a ghost but yet he still bolted out of the car and opened my door in a jiffy and pulled me out in to his arms he then whispered to me "run." We then both start running but as I was running I saw Sam get off and limp run towards us I stopped and stood there in awe he was hurt! And now I was just a few inches from both Brian and Sam what do I do?!

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