Please forgive me

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David sighed as he and the Vlogsquad walked towards the bar.
He did not want to go. He had been cooped up inside his house for the past two days, thinking about his latest fight with Natalie.
His friends then randomly showed up to force him to get out of the house. David had reluctantly agreed.

He shook as he thought of his fight with Natalie. It was not one of their usual fights where they would forgive each other later. It was brutal. Things were taken way too far and it lead to him kicking Natalie out.
He had essentially fired her, and he was miserable because of it. However, she hurt him bad, and he would not forgive her so easily.


"Natalie, where the fuck were you?!"
David yelled.
Natalie had just gotten home from hanging out with Todd, again, and it cost David a potential brand deal worth thousands.

This was not the first time this had happened. Natalie had started missing calls and slowed her rate of responding to emails. She was being overworked and David did not realize it.

"I was at the bar with Todd, I told you-"

"Natalie, you were supposed to be back here at five! We lost the deal because you couldn't bother to set up the meeting earlier this week, and when you did, you weren't even here for it! I couldn't do it by myself because your dumb ass left all the papers in your car! I looked like an absolute idiot!" David roared. He was beyond furious.

"If you won't do your fucking job, than why am I even paying you a salary in the first place?!"

Natalie's eyes narrowed. "David, I have been doing my job! You have me constantly running around back and forth setting up meetings, deals, and calls. I never have time to myself anymore, I'm exhausted! Yes, I took some time off! I can't handle this anymore!"

At this point, neither of the two were thinking rationally. The stress that had been slowly building over the past few months was now coming out all at once as raw emotion.

David scoffed. "You weren't having issues or complaining about it before! You know what I think? I think you take me for granted. I work my ass off making videos and money, while you just sit around on your laptop eating your goddamn Nut-Thins!"
David reached over and grabbed the open box of Nut-Thins that Natalie had left on the table and threw it across the room, it's contents spilling everywhere.

"Taylor has been doing more work than you lately, and she's basically a fucking housekeeper!"
It was a good thing that Taylor was not in the house to hear that.
"You never even spend time with me anymore! Are we even still best friends?!"

"I have been doing work and you fucking know it!" Natalie yelled back, equally furious.
"You expect me to work myself to death day and night with absolutely zero time to myself, and still somehow find the time to be with you?! You're insane!"



David and Natalie both froze.


It was true. While David was fairly popular in high school, middle school was absolute torture for him. He was constantly harassed, degraded, treated like nothing but scum.
It was a major reason why David was so giving in his adult life. He did not like anyone feeling scared to be who they really were or be mistreated.

His parents never really noticed when David would come home with bruises because they were always busy with his little brother and youngest sister, who were only toddlers at the time.

David felt alone.
He had confided in Natalie that he didn't see a way out and was thinking about ending it.
She had sat him down and consoled him; talked him out of it. She had reminded him that he is loved by not only her, but by all his friends and family.
The next day, she had marched into the principles office and reported what she had been told. Back then, the school did not have a good track record with dealing with bullying; however the threat of a potential suicide spurred a reaction from the school, and the bullying was swiftly put a stop to.
David later made up with his parents, thanks to Natalie's convincing.
This was also why David was so much closer with Natalie than with friends he's known for a lot longer, like Dom.
She had essentially saved him.


Natalie slapped a hand over her mouth the second the words had left her lips.
David was looking at her; disbelief, shock, sadness, and anger, swam in his eyes.

Natalie wanted to dig a hole and die in it.
She knew it was a very sensitive topic for him; how could she have been so cruel?

"David I-"

"Save it!" David hissed. His eyes had lost nearly all of their warmth. Their usually joyful light brown, was now replaced by a deep, dark, intense auburn.
Natalie shivered under their cold gaze.

After what seemed like an eternity, David spoke.

"I want you to leave," he said, his voice low and dark.
"You have ten minutes to pack a bag and leave. I don't give a shit where you go, I just don't want you here."

Natalie didn't fight. She only nodded, and with tears in her eyes, packed her essentials.
As she walked out the front door, she turned and looked at David.

"I'm sorry."

David only gave her a cold stare before closing the door in her face, locking it behind him.

David and Natalie OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now