Please forgive me (Part II)

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Natalie had gotten into her car and immediately broke down.

She had no idea where to go, so she called Corinna. After explaining what happened, she asked for a place to stay.
Not thirty minutes later, Natalie parked in her friend's driveway, where Corinna was waiting with open arms.

Natalie gave David about two days to cool off before she tried calling him. Her call was immediately declined.

She didn't know what she could say or do to make him forgive her, and she was starting to grow desperate. She needed her best friend back.

One day, out of sheer coincidence, Corinna just happened to walk by the bathroom as Natalie was taking a shower and heard her singing.
After Natalie got out, Corinna talked to her about it.

"Nat, I knew you could sing from the podcast a while ago, but I didn't know you were that good."
Natalie blushed. Her recording of Castle on the Hill was way off key. Natalie was actually an amazing singer.

"Thanks, David would always ask me to sing to him or write him a song, but I never did."
Corinna tilted her head. "Why not?"
"Because it was too embarrassing, I hate singing in front of other people."
"Natalie, why don't you write David a song...?"

Natalie paused at this. It was actually perfect. She could express her feelings, and in a way that would surely get his attention. She agreed, and over the past few days, Natalie poured out all of her emotions into a song.

Natalie knew that David would never willingly listen to her, so she arranged for the boys to take him to the bar near their house, where she had booked herself a spot to sing.

                     — PRESENT DAY —

David fought the urge to spit out his shot as the alcohol went down his throat.
They had been in the bar for over ten minutes now, and David wasn't feeling any better.

Eventually, a few bar-goers recognized him and started to approach the group; however, they were stopped by Heath's stern gaze. He lightly indicated to David, and shook his head no.
To their credit, the fans understood the warning. They realized that David was not in the best of moods at the moment and backed off.

David did not notice the hubbub around the stage, or see who stepped onto it, until she spoke.

"H- Hi everyone."
David froze. That was Natalie's voice. He looked up and sure enough, there she was, standing on the stage... alone.

The fans from before, quickly recognized Natalie and started to record her with their cell phones.

Natalie gripped the microphone tightly in her hands.

"I have made a few mistakes lately," she started. "Big ones. Ones that I regret deeply. I had a big fight with a friend of mine. My best friend."
Natalie met David's eyes in the crowd.
He only stared back, emotionless.
Natalie gulped. "W- while I don't expect him to, I hope that he will find it in his heart to accept my apology. This is for him."

David blinked in shock. She wrote a song? For him? And she was going to sing it in public?

Natalie let out a shaky breath, and started to sing.

David and Natalie OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now