Natalie is Sick

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Natalie didn't know what was going on.
She had been feeling strange ever since the night after David had returned from his post mates adventure sliding down the hill.

She quietly hummed to herself as she busied herself with her task.

David was editing in his room and because he didn't need her input until he was finished, Natalie offered to help Taylor cook dinner. Natalie was filling glasses of water while Taylor tossed the salad. Soon, all three glasses were filled. She picked one up.
"Hey Taylor, I'm going to take David's water to him, I'll be right back."
Taylor smiled. "Ok, take your time."

Natalie didn't walk more than a few feet before she started to feel dizzy.
She tried to balance herself but it didn't help. She got dizzier and dizzier.
Suddenly, it was as if a bomb had gone off inside her head.

It felt like she was having a supercharged migraine.
Natalie whimpered at the agonizing pain, before shuddering, and falling over.

Both David and Taylor were alerted to the sound of smashing glass.
Suddenly David heard Taylor call out.
"David!! Get over here quick!"

David rushed out of his room and into the living room.
He found Natalie in a pool of glass and water on the floor, Taylor by her side.
"Holy shit, Natalie!"
David immediately was at her side.
He turned to Taylor.
"What happened?!"
"I don't know, one second she was going to bring you water, and the next, she was on the floor!"

The mention of the glass of water snapped David back to reality.
"Shit, the glass! Get her off of the glass!"
David and Taylor picked Natalie's limp form off the floor and laid her on the couch.
Taylor knelt down and examined her.
"David, get me a towel or something, her head is bleeding!"

David shook his head and pulled his shirt over his head.
"Just use this, there's no time!"
Taylor wrapped the shirt around Natalie's head and they both tended to her throughout the night.

The next morning, once Natalie was finally awake, they went and got a test for all three of them.
A doctor called them a few days later.
All three of the tests were positive.
David, Natalie, and Taylor, all had the Coronavirus.
"Is there anyone you have come into contact with who may have had the virus?" The doctor asked.
All of them thought for a moment. Suddenly David gasped. "The postmates guy! It has to be him! There's no one else we've met!"
A few days after that, the doctor called them back.
The postmates guy tested positive for the virus as well.

As soon as David and Natalie announced that they were sick, support from their family, friends, and fans poured in. Even Shawn had sent them a message through Facebook, wishing them well.

David and Taylor were not as affected from the virus, they only had a cough.
Natalie however, was a different story. The virus hit her hard. She was a combination of Joe and Annelise.
She couldn't look at light, she was too weak to move, and in a lot of pain and soreness.

David poured the soup into the bowl and made his way to his room.
Ever since she got the news that she was sick, Natalie didn't like being alone for too long. She craved David's company more than ever.

Natalie whimpered at the light that streamed into the room as David opened the door.
He walked in and set the bowl on the nightstand before turning to Natalie.

Although it was pitch black inside the room, he could tell that Natalie was crying.
David quickly grasped Natalie's hand in his.
"I'm here."
Natalie squeezed his hand.
"I'm in so much pain. It hurts."
David didn't know what to tell her to comfort her.

Before he could say anything, Natalie continued talking.
"I can barley move, an-" she let out a quiet sob. "And everything hurts; so bad."
She looked up at him, tears still streaming down her cheeks.
"I'm scared... I don't want to die."
David looked at her in shock. He wished more than anything he could trade places with her.

"Nat, you're not going to die, don't say things like that! Remember what happened with Joe and Annelise? They were weak and in pain, just like you; but they got better. Yes, they're still sick but they've improved. The pain is only for a little while, you'll get through this"
Natalie nodded as best she could.
She looked up at him.
"Can you stay here with me? I'll eat later, I'm just..."
David nodded. "Of course I will."
He quickly moved to the other side of the bed and crawled in beside her. He wrapped his arms around her and she leaned into him as best she could.

"Thank you for always being there for me, you're the best friend I've ever had, I love you.
"Don't mention it Nat, I love you too."

TBH I'm not that proud of this one. The grammar could have been better and I feel that it's pretty random at certain points.
I just really wanted to write this idea down before I forgot it.

Anyway, thanks for reading! 😅

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