Jealousy (Part II)

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"This isn't fucking working!" Natalie cried out. To her, it seemed like David took no notice of her absence, and that upset her to no end. "I'm his best friend! Why won't he complain or say something? ANYTHING! I just want him to love me..."
Todd didn't know what to do at this point.
Natalie had tears welling up in her eyes and he had no idea how to make her feel better. Sure she was his friend, but David was always the one to comfort Natalie when she was upset. No one else.

Todd then heard the front door open. Taylor had managed to catch a flight out of state to stay with her family and Natalie had told David she was busy with emails, so he had gone out to go get groceries.
Todd suddenly had an idea.
He scrambled off of Natalie's bed and started taking his clothes off.
Natalie stared, stunned.
"Todd... what are you doing?"
Todd took off his pants, leaving him in nothing but boxers. "Toooodd...!"
Todd moved to the door before turning to Natalie. He smirked at her.
"Trust me."
He then yanked the door open and waltzed out of Natalies room and straight into the hallway.

Sitting on top of the wine cart, was a box of cigarettes. But it was a fake. Nobody in the Vlogsquad smoked anymore. The box was actually stuffed with condoms. Every now and then someone would help themselves to one when they were short and needed one in an "emergency."

In Todd's personal opinion... it was glorious.
David walked in and saw him standing in nothing but boxers and holding the "condom box" in his hands.
David dropped the bags he was holding and stared at him. Quickly putting two and two together, he saw red.
"You motherfucker!" David charged at him. Todd dropped the box and ran as fast as he could towards Natalie's room. Just as he entered the hallway, he was tackled to the floor by David.

David started repeatedly punching Todd in the face. "Are you serious?! In my house?! You were gonna fuck her in MY house?!
Finally, Natalie came out of her room.
"David STOP!"
David froze. He slowly looked up at Natalie. She was fully clothed. "Wha...?" David stuttered. He didn't understand. He was confused.
Then, he snapped out of it. He quickly got up off of Todd and gripped Natalie's shoulders. "Natalie are you serious?! Here?! Why would you do that Nat?!" He was shaking her at this point, and Natalie could feel his nails digging into her skin.
"David stop, you're hurting me!"
David glanced down at his hands and his eyes widened. He tore them away from Natalie as if she had spontaneously caught fire.
"I- I- I'm sorry." David choked out. He glanced down at Todd. He was groaning slightly and there was blood pouring from his nose. "Shit!" David yelled. He had gone way too far.

They quickly dressed Todd and took him to the nearest hospital, as a broken nose could lead to sinus and breathing problems if not treated.
A quick x-ray determined that his nose wasn't broken and that it was just a flesh wound. The doctor sent them away with an icepack and a pack of tissues, telling Todd to try not to get into anymore fights for the next few weeks.
None of the three bothered to correct him on what actually happened. They couldn't and wouldn't risk having David arrested for assault.

After dropping Todd off at his house, David and Natalie started the drive home. It was silent in the car, David kept glancing at Natalie in the passenger seat, desperately wanting her to say something.
"Keep your eyes on the road David," she told him absently. David hesitantly nodded and did as he was told.

After getting home they both sat down on the couch. Neither of them said anything for a few seconds.
"Natalie," David started. "I- I'm sorry."
She looked at him. "I'm not mad at you David. I was just surprised. I've never seen you so angry before."
David sighed.
"I'm sorry, it's just, I didn't think you and Todd were serious. I thought I had more time. I love you and-"
"What?" Natalie interrupted, her eyes wide.
"Yeah, I love you. I'm sorry I'm telling you this now that you're in a relationship, but I thought I had more time and-"
Natalie again interrupted him, this time with a kiss.
After a few seconds they pulled away. David looked confused.
"What was that for?" He whispered.
"I love you too, Natalie responded, her voice just as low.
"But what about you and Todd?" David asked.
Natalie sighed. "I was talking to your mom cause she wanted to get my opinion on whether you were safe or not-"
"That sounds like her," David chuckled.
Natalie smiled. "Yeah. Anyways, I accidentally let it slip that I liked you and Toby overheard and told me that you liked me back. I wanted to say something but I was afraid. I didn't want to scare you off so I wanted you to make the first move instead.
David smiled at her. "Nat, you could never scare me off." He pulled her into a hug.

" does this mean you weren't going to have sex with Todd?" Natalie pulled away.
"Ew no! Me, Todd, and the others made a plan to make you jealous. I was crying in my room that you didn't seem to notice me not being around and when you came home, Todd just took his clothes off and ran out. Sorry. I realize now that that probably wasn't the best plan.

David chuckled. "It's ok. I'm not mad, if that's the case I actually have to thank Todd later then. Consider this my confession. He then leaned in and kissed her.

* * *

Todd watched from the kitchen as David and Natalie cuddled and giggled with each other in the living room.

Although the virus was still prevalent, cases in LA had gone down enough to the point where they started allowing certain sized
get-togethers again, but still warning people to use discretion when attending one.

Before Todd could take a sip of his beer, Corinna walked up and leaned against the counter beside him. She clinked her own bottle against his. They both laughed and took a drink.

They stood there for a while, a comfortable silence around them. Suddenly Todd spoke.

"For whatever it's worth," he said, still looking at David and Natalie, "I'm truly sorry for what happened between us and a part of me does still love you."
Corinna looked at him. She sighed.
"I wanted to forgive you. I guess because I loved you, a part of me actually did. But I just couldn't trust you not to break my heart again.
Todd flinched.
"But," Corinna continued. "I guess this whole fiasco with David and Natalie made me realize how much you changed. Natalie was vulnerable and sad about David, but you didn't try to take advantage of that and reel her in, like you normally would have done.
You did good Todd."
Todd nodded, showing his thanks for the compliment.
"I guess a part of me still loves you," Corinna said.
Todd looked at her in surprise.
"So... if you're willing, and if we take it very slow, I think we could give us another shot."
Todd smiled and wrapped an arm around her.
Corinna responded, leaning into him.

They watched the rest of the Vlogsquad enjoying themselves.

David and Natalie were sat on the floor of the living room, playing a game against Heath and Mariah to see which couple knew each other best, with Jason acting as referee.
Carly, Erin, Matt, Scott, Jeff, and Jonah were all spread across the two couches in the living room, talking.
Across the room, Zane and Joe played pool against Taylor and Annelise.
Both Joe and Annelise had finally recovered from the virus and were cleared by their doctors to socialize with others. Although they still felt kinda weak, they missed their friends a lot, so they came.

Todd sighed in contentment. For the first time in quite a while, he felt genuinely and blissfully happy.

"So does this mean we're getting married sometime in the future?"
Corinna laughed. "We'll see Toady."



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