Sharing a Table

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David scrolled through his laptop, looking to see which clips he could use in his next vlog.
He didn't really feel like staying home so he went to the cafe near his house.
It was nice relaxing somewhere other than his home every once in a while. At least here he could have the company of others, even if they were strangers.

Being a Saturday, the cafe was particularly crowded today. It seemed like all of LA decided that they wanted to sit down to have coffee this morning.

That's when David overheard a conversation between a woman and a waitress.
"I'm sorry ma'am but all the tables are full, unless someone is willing to share a table with you, you are going to have to wait a while."

David glanced at the open seat across from him. He turned and called to the waitress.
"She can share with me! I'm about to leave anyway so I don't mind."
The two women approached David's table.
"Are you sure," the woman asked. "I don't want to be a bother."
David gave his trademark grin. "It's no problem." He gestured to the open seat. "Please, I insist."
The waitress nodded. "Thank you sir." She turned to the woman. "I'll get your coffee and omelette started right away ma'am." She walked off.

David watched as the woman sat down across from him. She was beautiful. Her brown hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall, and her eyes were an incredible dark brown. She wore little makeup and still looked amazing.

David stuck his hand out. "My name's David." She accepted the handshake. "I'm Natalie."

For the next half an hour, they got to know one another.
They found out they went to the same high school and actually lived in the same apartment complex. They vaguely remembered each other but not that well. It was a wonder that they had never met in the first place.

David glanced at his watch. "Shit! Sorry I have to go, I was supposed to go filming with a friend later today."
Natalie then realized that she had to leave as well, she had to go to work.

They both got up but Natalie stopped David before he could leave.
"Wait!" She dug through her purse and pulled out a pen. She grabbed a napkin and quickly scribbled something on it before handing it to David.
"Here's my number, call me when you can hang out again."
She looked into his eyes for a few seconds before pecking him on the cheek and hurrying out.

David walked out of that cafe, with one of the biggest smiles he's ever had.

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