{Friends and Foes}

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"What no!!" I yelled. All of his dust was gathered up in a jar so that later we could bury the remains once we got out of this hell hole. The jar was on the counter, safe from any harm.

The Mafia managed to kill someone this time. That's not good at all.

I look over at Dust, who was sitting on one of the many bar stools. He couldn't stop looking at the jar. I felt really bad for him, him and Horror were really close.

"I-I'LL KILL THAT MOTHERFUCKER! W-Why did it have to be you...." Dust cried. He put his head down and started to sob. To be honest, the sob was so painful emotionally, I thought I was going to cry too, but I didn't.

Killer goes and sits next to the poor guy. Nightmare is nowhere to be found. I wonder where he is...

I go and head to the bathroom. To contemplate my life. But before I enter the bathroom door, I see something...someone. It was talking to Night? Who was that?

"What are you doing here." Night said to a shadowy figure. His voice was stern, and he sounded hurt. Maybe it was because of Horror?

"Listen, I just want to talk with you. I don't like you anymore k? I'm not gonna talk about lovey dovey shit. That's disgusting." The shadow spoke.

"I know Hate, it's been really hard lately, one of my new friends has been killed. And I couldn't do anything. That stupid Mafia shot me in the shoulder!" Night slams the bathroom counter. He was still hiding the fact that I shot him and the Mafia didn't...why?

Then one of Night's eyes turn light-blue for a second. Why did that happen?

"Night your eye." Hate spat.

Night quickly covered it. Was he hiding something from me??

"I shouldn't have done it...any moment now and I'll turn into a monster!" Night yelled in frustration.

"It wasn't your fault. You did it because you felt lonely, that's all." Hate says.

I couldn't believe it....Monster..? Was my own brother......the Mafia?! No...he can't be...I can't kill him, I can't...

I reach for my bow.

"I have to go now. The others will be worried." Night says with that same stern tone from earlier.

"We won't discuss those matters until I find a way out of the corruption, at least...I hope." Night turns to leave. I ducked under the door hoping he didn't see me....

I can't just kill him!! He might kill everyone else though!! But he's not that kind of person!!

I keep debating with myself. I then position my bow towards the door.

The door opens, I freeze.

"D-Dream?" Night looks at me horrified.

"Why didn't you tell me!!" I yelled back.

"Tell you what? That I'm corrupted? Because I knew you would act like this!" Night answered.

Corrupted? What did that mean...wait...I read about this...the positive apples....mother...

"What's wrong with the tree!!" I asked.

"It's....probably dead..." Nightmare replied.

"I can't believe you. You probably killed Horror didn't you!? You fucking bitch!" I say and give him the dramatic slap in the face.

I go for round two but then someone stops me. I turned around to see that shadow that he had been talking too.

"Keep your hands to yourself." He said.

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