ch. 21

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Dillin pov.

"I think I got his scent." I say through my mind link with Devin.

"Me too." He says and we end our mind link and keep running as fast as we can.

"We are closer to him but I have a bad feeling because I also smell water and up here there is a bridge." I say

"Me too lets hurry." He says

"Ok, we are here you go down towards the water for just incase he jumps you xan grab him I'll go and talk to him. When he steps off the ledge come up." I say

"Ok see you." He says and runs off I run towards Conner

"Conner! wait! Don't do it!"

"What? Why are you here? Never mind its good push me off." He says

"No! I will not push you. Come down please." I say

"No I will not go down. No one needs me and I hurt someone who didn't deserve to be hurt. I deserve to die." He says

"No! Please I need you Devin needs you and Ricky forgives you so please come here." I say

"No." He says

"I said come down NOW!" I say

"Ooook." He says shacking and coming down.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you but I just couldn't lose you." I say

"Iiiiits ooooook." He says still shacking

"Come here." I say holding my hands out so I can hug him. He comes over and I hug him tight.

"Everyone desrves a second chance." I say

"I don't deserve a second chance I hurt your brother." He says and Devin joined our hug

"Your right if you weren't are mate we would probably give yoy a punishment, but we still will just not as bad as if you weren't our mate." Devin says

"Wwwwhat kkkind of ppppunishment?" He says

"Oh don't worry little one it won't be too bad." I say

"Yeah and call us "daddys" when we are alone." Devin says

"Ooook." Conner says

"Ok what?" Devin and I say

"Oook daddys." Conner says

"Thats a good boy." Devin and I say

"Know lets go have some fun~😏." I say

"Yeah I agree brother lets." Devin says

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