ch. 5

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Damon pov.

I was sitting in class when Ricky came in late he had bruises on his cheeks and I could tell by how Kyle and Nial where laughing that they had did it after I told them not to. I guess its kind of my fault for not looking where I was going and knocking into him.

(Semi-large time skip to Friday)

Its Frday!!!!😁 Its finally my b-day and I will find out who my mate is. I really really hope its Ricky cause he is so cute omg I can't believe I feel for him even though my "friends" are so mean to him. Speaking of my friends you still have not met my best friends Matt and Jaxon. They are my true friends who don't like bullying either in fact they are dating each other ever since they met and lucky for them they are mates.

"So do you know who your mate is?" Matt says

"Sadly not yet" I say

"Hopefully its the Omega you have a crush on I think his name was Ricky?" Jaxon says

"Me too." I say. Yes I did tell them I have a crush on him and they have been supportive about it.

"Speaking of Ricky have any of you seen him Today cause I have not." I say

"No I have not maybe he is helping someone or sick?" Matt says

"That would make sense I hope he is ok." I say

"Well I need to use the bathroom so I'll see you two at my house for my party later."

"Ok bye" Matt says

"Ok man bye" Jaxon says

And I go to the bathroom when I get inside I smell a wonderful scent like fresh cut green grass and green apple pie made by my grandma. I also hear something that breaks my heart..... sniffles from one of the stalls which means the person must have been crying. It was coming from the last stall that was in the far corner.

"Hey, are you alright in there?" I say softly knocking on the door. The sniffles stop and I hear a feint "yes"

"Are you sure?" I say

"Yes." The stranger says

"Can you come out of the stall so I can see you?" I ask. There's a pause and then the door opens slowly. Revealing the most beautiful boy in the world yes my crush but he has tears on his cheeks... But he still looks breathtaking. I walk up to him and then I hear my wolf go "mate". I'm shocked but so happy at the same time.

"Is there something on my face sir?" He says

"No and I thought I told you to call me Damon not sir." I say

"But sir I mean Damon everyone here tells me to call them sir or ma'am." He says that makes me growl which also scares him.

"Sorry for scaring you like that I just am not ok with bullying."

"Its ok si...Damon." He says

"Hey, are you coming to my birthday party?" I say

"No." He says

"Why not?"

"Cause no one would like it if I went."

"Well will you please come cause theres an announcement I have to make and you need to be there." I say

"Why?" He says

"Because your my mate meaning you will be the future Luna." I say

"How how theres no way I a worthless good for nothing disgusting ugly only useful as a punching bag omega could be mated to someone as perfect and looked up to as you." He says looking down at his shoes.

I lift his chin up and say "you are none of those things to me. You are beautiful, cute, strong and I like you just the way you are."

He looks away from my eyes and says "your only saying that cause you have to because we are mates. Just reject me like you know you want to."

"I do like you and I can prove it." I say and I kiss him on the lips they were bitter sweet. Bitter because of the salt from his tears earlier and sweat because I've been wanting to kiss him for so long and he is just so cute. Now that we have kissed neither of us can reject each other.

He looks at me with wide eyes and says "why?"

"Because like I said before I like you." I say

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