ch. 7

72 2 0

Damon pov.

Its about 2 hours before my party and Jaxon and Matt came early to help me get the house set and choose clothes.

"So you found your mate didn't you." Says Matt

"What how did you know."

"Man I can tell cause you are more cheerful than earlier right babe." Says Matt

"Yes your right you do are more lively then earlier." Says Jaxon as he walks over to Matt and sits on his lap.

"Ok then."

"Plus we've known you for years of course we can tell. Anyways who is it?" Matt says

"Wait before you say anything is it your crush?" Jaxon says

"Um well.... Yes its Ricky."

"Awww how cute, does he know? how did you find out?" Jaxon says sitting up straighter.

"Yes he knows and I found out because when I went into the bathroom he was in there crying and smelled so sweat and my wolf said mate." I say

"Ok, is he coming to the party?" Matt says

"I don't know but I hope he does." I say

"He probably will so lets get you into a nice outfit. Also I get to pick since I am the fashionista between us." Says Jaxon and we all laugh a little then Jaxon goes through my clothes and picks out my outfit.

(Time skip to the party)

I'm wearing a red T-shirt, a black cardigan with blue jeans with my black and white stripped sneakers and finally I have me favorite red cap on. My party started a few minutes ago and I still see no sign of Ricky and I'm getting a little nervous that he is not going to show.

"Hey man nice party." Says Nial spooking me a little out of my thoughts because I didn't know he was there.

"Thanks" I say

"So have you found your mate?" He says

"Yes I have." I say

"Who is it." He says and I notice that Kyle is beside him.

"You guys will find out soon." I say resisting the urge to tell them they can't hurt him because they would find out who he is.

"Ok man." He says then him and Kyle go somewhere else. A few minutes later I smell the most amazing scent making me know that Ricky did decide to show up. When I seem him I'm speechless he is wearing a vest that is light blue at the top and becomes dark blue at the bottom with an orange jean jacket on. He has white tights on and blue flats and to top it off he has an orange bow with white polka dots in his hair. And he is walking towards me.

"Hey" he said

"Hi" I said

"Oh I forgot to tell you earlier but happy birthday." He said

"Thanks" I said. I was going to say something when...

"Hey look Kyle its the punching bag and he's wearing a dress." He said laughing.

"He is that is hilarious." Kyle said laughing along with Nial. They walked up to Ricky and were about to punch him when I growled at them and told them to go into the living room. They were a little shocked but did as I said glaring at Ricky as they went by.

"That goes for all of you go into the living room I have an announcement to make." I said. Everyone headed to the living room. When everyone was there I stood on the couch so I was a little taller.

"My announcement is about my mate. As you all know I am gay thankfully my nate is a guy. And I will not accept ANY one to disrespect him I want you to respect him as much as you respect me and my parents. Do I make myself clear." I say. I hear a lot of "yes." And "of course" then I continue,

"Now I'll introduce you to him." I lock eyes with Ricky and hint him to come on top of the couch too. And he hesitates but then comes over.

"This beautiful boy, Ricky, is my mate." I say. Everyone is shocked then I start to hear "what that good or nothing omega!?" Or "him oh heck no if you think I'm going to be nice to him." Or "that ugly thing." But I also hear "hey don't be so mean that guy is nice." And "yeah don't be mean to him just because he is an omega doesn't mean he deserves to be treated like dirt."

"SILENCE!!" I say loud enough for everyone to stop talking. Then I continue on,

"How DISRESPECTFUL! Everyone of you were happy for me to announce my mate and now that you know you hate him WHY? Is it because yoir losing a punching bag or something you can blame for NOTHING!!! I'm disappointed in ALL of you who have said rude things to him. If you cannot approve or respect him then leave this pack because we do not want narrow minded people so just leave NOW! Also those of you who approve can stay however the party is over so everyone go home." I say. Then I take Ricky's hand and signal Jaxon and Matt to meet me in my room.

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