ch. 17

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Damon pov.

Its only Tuesday and this week is going by very slowly. I wish irmt would go a little faster. Today there was a new student his name is Conner and I have a bad feeling about him not just because my friends boss has the same name as him but also because of his aura. I don't know what it is about him but he is defiantly bad news. I should warn my little sweet mate and friends about this.

Time skip to everyone is at Damon's house

"Ok I had you guys come over here so I could tell you something about the new kid." I say

"Ok." They all say

"I think he is....." I explain how I feel about him.

"Yeah us too." Jaxon and Matt say

"Well is it true?" I ask Nial amd Kyle. They look at each other and then nod yes at us.

"Shit! This is bad my babe could be in poor babeIcan'tlosehimbutwhatshouldIdo........" I say and start to panic making me go into a rant.

"Babe it'll be ok. I'll be ok." Ricky says wrapping his arms around me. I pick him up and he wraps his legs around me.

"I know but I'm just scared of you getting hurt." I say kissing his cheek

"Sorry.... Nope not sorry to interrupt you guys in your own little world but what are we going to do." Devin says

"Yeah, we don't want our lil bro to get hurt...... could we like rip Conner's head of?" Dillin says

"No there will be no ripping of the head. Why do you guys always have to be overprotective and weird?" Ricky says

"Cause you are our lil bro and we love you soooo much.." Dillin satrts

"And we couldn't save you from the bullies at school cause you never told us.." Devin continues

"So we decided to watch over you and if it got really bad we would've ripped their heads off. We also decided that from then on we would protect you even if you didn't want us too. Dillin finishes

"Awww you guys." Ricky says smilling

"Plus we love teasing you." Devin says

"そうそう、しかも、僕たちの言うことにさからえないから恥ずかしいことも無理矢理にでもさせられる." (Yes, yes. Plus you have to listen to what we say so we can make you do embarrassing things) Dillin says

"Hey! How rude hmph." I say nestling my head into Damon's neck turning away from them.

"冗談よ冗談." (Its just a joke) His brothers say

"嘘つき本当は冗談じゃないくせに!" (Liars, you guys are actually not joking about it!) Ricky says

"そうよ、本当だよ、でもこの話はまた後で話そう今は、どうやってお前を守るか決めよう." (Yep thats true, but lets leave this for another time and talk about how we are going to protect you.) Dillin says

"わかったでも、変なこと言わないでよ." (Ok but don't say anything weird) Ricky says

"No promises. Ok so what will be our plan to protect Ricky." Devin says

"Hold on lets move to the living room." I say I sit on the couch chair with Ricky on my lap still nestling his head to my neck. Devin, Dillin, and Jaxon sit on the couch. Nial and Kyle sit on the floor and Matt sits on the floor inbetween Jaoxon's legs.

"Ok so I was thinking that I could escort Ricky to his next classes." I say

"What? No you don't have to do that I'll be fine plus we only have two classes together out of four, so I should be fine." Ricky says

"No! I'm can't just sit back and do nothing if it means you'll get hurt." I say

"Yeah lil bro listen to him we couldn't bear it if you got hurt really bad." Dillin says

"So please just let him do it." Devin says and everyone nods in approval

"Ok fine." Ricky says

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