ch. 11

55 2 0

Damon pov.

After I called Ricky down stairs I put our plates on the table. I made pancakes with white chocolate in them because lets be honest white chocolate is the best. There is also strawberries and grapes on the side with bacon no eggs cause that is even more work. I hear footsteps coming downstairs so I know he is here.

"Mmmm it smells good." Ricky says

"Yes it does. Though I wish you would make that for us." I hear another voice say then I see my mom and dad.

"I mean I do cook sometimes." I say

"Yes yes you do but not willingly and usually only for your self you never even cook when your friends are here." My mom says.

"Thats not fair I do make things on mothers day." I say

"That is true but you know your mother is right.... Anyways are you going to intoduce us to your mate?" My dad says

"Yes, Ricky will you come here please." I say holding my hand out for him to take it which he does.

"Mom, dad this is Ricky my mate. Ricky this is my mom and dad." I say

"Hello Ricky." My dad says

"Hi, Ricky" my mom says with a smile

"Hhhhello ma'am and hello ssssir." Ricky says stuttering and shaking a little beside me.

"There is no need to call me ma'am how about you call me by my name Lucy." My mom says

"I agree don't call me sir call me Jeremy." My dad says

"Oook ma... Lacy and si.... Jeremy." Ricky says still stuttering and hiding a little behind me.

"Are you scared?" I ask him.

"Nnno I mean yes a little but its not because of them its just I'm scared of all people older and taller then me." He says

"Its ok there is nothing to be afraid of my parents are the nicest people you'll meet. Also why are you not scared of me? I'm taller than you." I say

"Ok, and I'm not scared of you because I'vehadacrushonyou." He says

"What was the last part I couldn't hear you because you got so quite and mumbled." I say

"Um well um because I I I I've llllllliked you aaaaand yyyyour not like your friends that bully me." He says stuttering a little out of embarrassment.

"Awww your blushing you look so cute." I say

"Wait a minute is this the boy you were talking about wanting to be your mate and that your friends hurt daily!?" My mom asks

"Yes mom. Anyways come on Ricky lets eat before the food gets cold." I say

"No wonder your head over heels for him already I approve." My mom says

"Just as long as you are happy I approve too son. Also if you love him protect him listen to him don't leave him in the dark that is my advise to you spoken from experience. And Ricky if anyone gives you a hard time tell anyone of us we will have your back." My dad says and then leaves the kitchen with my mom.

"Lets eat." I say and we begin to eat.

(After breakfast in Damon's room)

Ricky and I are sitting on the floor playing battle ship.

"Mmm c5." Ricky says

"Miss, so whats your favorite color? And A4." I say

"Miss, why do you want to know? And E6." Ricky says

"Miss, to get to know you here I'll tell you mine first its green. And c5."

"Dang it, its a hit and mine is blue."

"Yes, ok um... B5."


"Dang anyways do you like music?"

"Of course I do my 2 most favorite bands are 嵐(Arashi) and BTS but I only listen to their Japanese version cause I understand it and can sing to it better. And H8."

"Really I like BTS too but what is Arashi and you sing will you sing for me one day? Also hit."

"Yes! Arashi is a Japanese band of 5 members their names are 大野(ohno), 二宮(ninomiya), 櫻井(sakurai), 松本(matsumoto), and 相葉(aiba), they are also in some tv shows and movies in Japan. For example I've seen Matsumoto in one of my favorite shows ごくせん (Gokusen) and 花より男子(boys over flowers). And I8."

"Hit again. And thats cool but will you sing for me one day?"

"Maybe but I don't really like singing infront of people. And G8."

"Ok, I'll wait till your comfortable and dang it hit and sunk."

"Yay and thank you."


"Yay I won I won whooo yeah!" Says Ricky happily


"Hello?" Ricky says waving his hand infront of me.

"Yes, love?" I say fondly.

"Wwwhy are yyyou ssstaring at mmme." Ricky says blushing.

"Because you look so cute when your cheerful."

"No I don't I look weired when I'm happy.... Wait that doesn't make sense."


"Hey, don't laugh at me!" Ricky says cutely pouting.

"Hahaha.. I'm sor..hahahaa I'm haha I'm sorryyyyy hahaha."

"Hmph." He says turning around so I'm facing his back.

"Aww did I make my cutie mad?"

"Hmph😤." He says still not facing me.

"I'm sorwy ." I say sticking my bottom lip out and doing my puppydog eyes.

"....." His back still facing me. I sneek up behind him and wrap my arms around him making him jump a little.

"I'm sorry will you forgive me please."


"Thank you gorgeous." Then I think he realises how close we are because he is blushing.

"Can I kiss you?"

"Mmmmmmmmyes." He says with his head down quietly that I can't hear him.


"Yes." He Says blushing. I lift his head up and kiss him passionately he taste so delicious that I deepen the kiss. I lick his lower lip to gain access and he takes awhile but eventually lets my tongue into his mouth. I explore his mouth not wanting to end the kiss. Eventually I pull away so we can get air. He is panting out of breath.

"I loved that kiss you tasted so good." I say

"Um... Thank you?" He says blushing. I chuckle a little and pull him onto my lap so we can enjoy eachothers company closer.

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