All I Need

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Songfic based on 'All I Need' by Connie Talbot.

P.S. Please excuse my terrible attempt at writing insults, I'm not at all experienced LOL

TW// internalized homophobia, physical fighting (non-graphic), one time kind-of-su*c*dal-ideation but not really, it's more like an intrusive thought but warning just in case


Sometimes I am strong, always playing on

"You're a terrible person, you know?" A girl's voice sounded from behind TJ. He had been walking away from this idiot teacher who tried telling him basketball won't matter in the long run. So he had a go at him, of course. Told him to stick his nose where someone cares. He turned around to face the know-it-all that is Buffy Driscoll.

"Shouldn't you be at the playground or something, showing all the little kids how much better than them you are?" he sneered.

Buffy looked taken aback for a moment, before composing herself. "No, because I'm not the one who takes pleasure in hurting the innocent. First, you treat me like I shouldn't be on the team just because I'm a girl, and now you make the nicest teacher in school cry? What kind of person does that?"

Act like a person that don't feel emotion at all

"Oh, trust me, he's not that nice," TJ crossed his arms. "Not that it matters. He should know better than to talk to me."

"You're sick. You are a sick person," Buffy stated before walking away.

He scoffed and started his walk home.

But I'm really weak, shaking at my knees

As he walked along the sidewalk, Buffy's words echoed in his head.

'You're sick.'

'What kind of person does that?'

'You're a terrible person, you know?'

Maybe I am. She's right. I'm a terrible person. There's probably nobody in this world that cares about me. I could bash my head in and even my parents would probably be thankful.

Do I really have a choice, though? If people knew who I really am I'd be the laughing stock of the school.

I'd be a freak. I am a freak.

I wanna run back to something that just feels like home

He took a detour to walk through the park. Hopefully it would clear his head a bit. But then he spotted him.

The new source of his identity crisis. He'd managed to avoid it since the fourth grade, but now it was staring him right in the face as he looked at Cyrus Goodman, swinging.

He remembered the last time he'd found Cyrus here. Cyrus was singing a little song that TJ had found cute, and distracted him from his disastrous tutoring session he'd just ran out of. Right now, though, Cyrus was silent.

Maybe that's all I need

"You alright?" TJ asked, as he sat down on the swing next to him.

"Just thinking," Cyrus responded, looking at the ground. Then he turned his head to TJ. "What about you? What are you doing here?"

"Stuff," TJ said.

Cyrus nodded. "Got it. I'm here if you want to talk about it. Or we could just swing in silence."

Tell me you love me, tell me you need me

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