Flufftober #1 // Taking Steps, Facing Fears

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Flufftober 2023 day one prompt: "I've got you"

Hey! So this is my first time doing any sort of prompt event, but I thought it might help me get back into writing and actually posting things while I procrastinate finishing the angst oneshot I'm currently in the middle of lol. I'm not sure if I can trust myself to actually finish this event, but I'll try my best😂
Hope you enjoy!


"So, you ready?" TJ asked Cyrus after greeting him at the door.

They walked outside together with TJ's mom, who was driving them to the skating rink. TJ had been helping Cyrus through his list of "things he can't do" and next up was ice skating. Cyrus had walked over to TJ's house so they could go together.

"Um, well I'm still really nervous to be honest, but I guess?" Cyrus answered, while getting into the back seat with his boyfriend.

"Don't worry, I'll be there to teach you," TJ smiled, grabbing the other boy's hand. "I'll make sure you don't fall on your face."

"Well, that's reassuring," Cyrus laughed, and finished buckling his seatbelt.

On the drive there, they chatted with TJ's mother about what was going to happen, and when she would pick them up. The plan was to buy the tickets, skate for about an hour, and then be picked up at 3.

Cyrus just hoped that he wouldn't make a fool of himself.

Once they arrived, the two boys waved Mrs. Kippen goodbye and headed inside. They walked hand in hand to the front counter where the tickets were sold, and TJ asked the worker for two tickets.

"That'll be $23.55, please," the employee said.

TJ fished the money out of his pocket and handed it over. The tickets were given to them and they were directed over to the skate rentals.

Cyrus and TJ walked over to where the skates were, and once they picked out the right sizes, sat down to put them on. They did up their laces side by side, Cyrus taking a bit longer to make certain that they were done up properly. He didn't want to make it even harder to stay upright by having his feet slip out of the skates.

Once they were on, TJ took Cyrus' hands and pulled him up.

"Teej, I don't know about this-" the brunet started as they both stepped out onto the ice, gripping the side bar.

"It's alright, muffin, I'm right here," TJ told him. "Now, balance your weight between your feet, and try putting one foot in front of the other."

"Okay," Cyrus agreed, and let go of the railing, taking TJ's advice. "Maybe I can— TJ!!!"

Cyrus stumbled forward suddenly after staying upright for a few moments. TJ caught him in his arms and softly said, "don't worry, I've got you. I won't let you fall."

"You sure?" Cyrus asked timidly.

TJ nodded. "I've got you."

Cyrus gave him a small smile, and they shared a brief kiss before pulling back and trying again.

Eventually, with TJ's help and encouragement, Cyrus was able to skate a few feet on his own. They were both so excited that they quickly pulled each other into a hug, with TJ telling him how great he was doing.

"Do you want to try skating a bit together now?" TJ asked, gesturing to a few other couples on the ice who looked kind of like they were dancing.

"Like, in a slow dance kind of way?" Cyrus questioned, with a light blush on his cheeks.

"Yeah," TJ responded softly. "What do you think?"

"Okay, yeah," Cyrus smiled. "That sounds good."

Carefully, TJ placed his hands on Cyrus' waist, while Cyrus had his on TJ's shoulders. They slowly started moving their feet in a slightly coordinated rhythm, trying their best to mimic the way they danced at the spring formal a few months ago. It was a bit clumsy, and they did almost fall a few times, but they were having such a good time they didn't care.

After their scheduled time was up and they were called off the rink, they changed out of the rental skates and put them back on the shelves.

"So, did you have fun?" TJ grinned, as they walked out and sat on a bench to wait for his mom.

"Yeah, I did," Cyrus said. "Thank you for teaching me, I never thought I'd actually do this but I guess I can check it off my list now, thanks to you."

"No problem Cy, I had a great time," the blond told him. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"Maybe for our next date, we could go to the movies?" Cyrus suggested. He chuckled as he continued, "I mean, they can't all be based on my list, right?"

"Whatever you want," TJ smiled, interlacing their fingers as his mom pulled up.


Hello 👋 I hope you liked that. It's pretty short compared to my usual one shots, but I'm also not used to writing just pure fluff lol. I also just realized that if I do this whole month of prompts I'll be almost doubling my oneshots as of now, so idk if I'm gonna be able to keep up with that🤣

Oh well, I guess we'll see. Sorry this is like an hour late for day one but hopefully I'll catch up haha. I literally started writing this like two hours before the end of the day. I really decided last minute to participate in this event lolol.

Have a great day/night everyone!


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