Flufftober #4 (alt 1) // Rainy Day Comfort

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Flufftober 2023 day four — alt number 1: Hot Chocolate

Late again. Why do I keep doing this? Oh well. I'll catch up eventually. (Hopefully)
Btw - I decided to do one of the prompt extras because the explanation of Cinderella moment was the "ugly duckling" getting their moment to shine, and obviously, I don't believe either TJ or Cyrus fit the ugly duckling character trope, so. Hot chocolate it is. Also, I think the concept of an ugly duckling character is kind of mean to begin with....but that's an entirely other thing.


TJ was at the park with Cyrus, and they were currently on the swing set, holding hands while chatting about their days. It was a Sunday afternoon in the middle of spring, and the weather had been nice, but nobody else was there, so they were peacefully alone.

"Hey, wanna see who can swing the highest?" TJ asked, smirking.

Cyrus rolled his eyes fondly. "Really, Teej? We both know that you would win by a landslide."

"Come on, just for fun?" TJ playfully pouted.

"Okay," Cyrus relented, smiling and starting to pump his legs.

They both went as high as they could until TJ jumped off the swing and went around to push his boyfriend higher. Before he could get around the swings, though, it suddenly started raining lightly.

"Oh," TJ frowned, pausing and pulling Cyrus up to his feet. "It's raining. We should probably get going before it picks up."

"Yeah, you're right," Cyrus agreed, and they immediately grabbed their bags before rushing over to the sidewalk.

As they speed-walked alongside each other, the rain started to fall harder. They held their bags over their heads, and picked up the pace, running hand in hand.

"I'm gonna be soaked by the time I get home!" Cyrus exclaimed.

"Do you want to come to my house with me?" TJ offered. "It's closer, and my parents won't mind."

"Oh, yeah, that'd be great," Cyrus responded, relieved.

Once they got to TJ's house, they both quickly went inside, and TJ went to grab some towels for them to dry off while Cyrus tried to remember where to put his shoes. Soon, TJ arrived back with the towels, and wrapped them around both of them. Then he ushered Cyrus over to the kitchen table, where they sat down.

When both of them had finally caught their breath, TJ said, "I was thinking of making some hot chocolate. Would you like some? We could sit over on the couch and watch a movie while we drink it if you want."

Cyrus beamed. "Thank you TJ, that's really nice. I would love that."

So, TJ got up and started making the hot chocolate. After the water was boiled, TJ asked, "two thirds hot water, one third cream, right? And mini marshmallows?"

"I- yeah, how'd you remember?" Cyrus blushed, surprised.

"I always remember the stuff you like. You're my boyfriend, and I love you," TJ shrugged, smiling.

Cyrus closed his eyes and smiled wide. "I love you, too."

"I know," TJ grinned, and continued making their hot chocolates.

Upon finishing the hot chocolates, TJ handed one to Cyrus and lead him over to the living room. They set their drinks down on the coasters that cover the coffee table, and sat down next to each other on the couch.

TJ placed his arm around the brunet and leaned in to place a peck on his lips before grabbing the remote.

"Now, what do you wanna watch?" he asked, gazing happily at his boyfriend.

"Tangled?" Cyrus suggested.

"Perfect choice," the blond beamed, venturing to Disney+.


Hey!!! I hope you liked that :) This is literally now my shortest oneshot by far, of all my oneshots in existence. Oof.

Have a wonderful day/night and take care of yourselves! Until next time 😊


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