Child Mayhem

725 18 60

Prompt by amoreflos: It's after the bench scene and TJ invites Cyrus to the kids gym. The kids see something's up.

So... I kind of got carried away and made it a lot longer than I anticipated. In other words; the actual prompt takes up less than half of the oneshot...

But I hope that you guys enjoy it anyway! Have a great day/night!


It was about a week after Andi's party, and school was officially out for the summer. TJ and Cyrus hadn't really talked about what they were yet, but there was some sort of mutual understanding that they liked each other as more than friends. They both just weren't sure how to talk about it.

While they were hanging out at The Spoon, Cyrus was showing TJ his newest installment of "tater theatre" and TJ just about died on the spot. He thought it was the cutest thing ever and didn't know how he wasn't in a puddle on the ground already. When Cyrus finished, TJ applauded him with the biggest grin on his face.

"That was great, Underdog," TJ enthusiastically told him.

"Thank you, that was episode 37, and there's plenty more to come!" Cyrus said, jokingly.

TJ checked the time on his phone and realized he had to go. "I'd love to see it sometime, but I have to go to work now. Do you wanna go with me again? The kids really miss you."

"Sure! Wouldn't want to disappoint them, they are adorable," Cyrus giggled, getting out of his seat to follow him.

He had kind of wanted to add, 'just like you', but he was worried that was too much, so he kept it to himself. They still hadn't talked about what happened on the bench at all, so he didn't really know exactly how TJ felt; just that it was something more than normal friends. He didn't want to push anything, in fear of losing him.

As they walked to the gym alongside each other, it seemed as if TJ was purposely brushing their hands together every chance he got. Cyrus wanted so badly just to grab the blonde's hand in his and interlock their fingers, just like on the bench merely a week ago. He was too nervous to do that, though, so he just let TJ's hand keep brushing up against his, causing him to blush furiously while looking away.

Meanwhile, TJ was driving himself crazy trying to work up the courage to just hold Cyrus' hand again. It took all his bravery to do it the first time, and it was amazing feeling Cyrus's hand in his, but he didn't know why he was so shy to take that plunge again.

Except he knew exactly why. It had been an entire week since the party and they hadn't addressed anything that had happened between them. What if Cyrus had realized he had made a mistake? What if he didn't actually feel the same way, and wanted to pretend that nothing ever happened? A million insecurities ran through TJ's head and it just made him even more nervous.

When they finally arrived at the gym, Cyrus looked up at TJ and smiled, before they both entered and made their presence known to the kids.

"Hey guys! Are you ready for a great day today?" TJ enthused, loudly.

"Yeah!" the kids shouted out together.

"Now, I've brought a special visitor today. He's been here before so I'm sure you remember him. Please give a warm welcome to Cyrus!"

All the kids cheered as Cyrus gave a small wave and smile. "Hi," he greeted the children, timidly.

"Cyrus is going to be spending the day with us today, does that sound fun?" TJ continued.

"Yay!!" they all screamed, excitedly.

"Alright, let's get started with some warm-ups, then," TJ told them. "We don't want anyone to get hurt, now do we?"

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