Glow In The Mark

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Yes the title is a pun on "glow in the dark", and yes I know it's cheesy, but I live for cheesy so you can stop your judgements😂
This is a soulmate AU, and I wanted it to be super unique from other soulmate AUs so sorry if the concept I came up with is kind of like crazy complicated, I might've gone too far with making it unique😂
Obviously this is a tyrus oneshot, hence the title of this book, but additional ships include: Muffy, platonic Jandi, and platonic Amber×unknown
This also includes some personal headcanons of mine, regarding the characters' orientations.
Based around the events in the episode "Buffy in a Bottle", with some changes.
Soulmate mark colour guide

Colour 1: Red=romantic soulmate, Black=platonic soulmate

Colour 2: HarvestGold=Heteroromantic, Lilac=Lesbian, Green=Gay, Blue(dark)=Biromantic, Pink=Panromantic, Aqua=Aromantic, Sepia=Skiloromantic (attracted to non-binary individuals) Orange=Other

Colour 3: Grey=Greyromantic, DandelionYellow=Demiromantic, White=No extra specifications


Every person has a soulmate, whether it is romantic or platonic. It's a cliché, really, but sometimes your first meeting with that person is so special, that you find out right away. That's not always the case, though. Cyrus knew that well, seeing as it took over half a year of knowing each other for his friends Andi and Jonah to find out they were platonic soulmates. They soon broke off their romantic relationship upon receiving their marks.

You see, there is one event that will happen in the relationship you have with your soulmate that stands out from the rest as the memory you will be most fond of. Immediately after that event happens is when a symbol or artistically-written word that relates to it will be carefully imprinted onto the back of your dominant hand. Soulmates always have matching marks, save for the colours.

After your mark appears, it will glow every time you're close to your soulmate. This is the universe's way of avoiding confusion if you have similar events with different people. But it gets very, very annoying if that person happens to be a part of your friend group.

Cyrus has complained countless times during the sleepovers their group have, preferring the both of them to have sleeping bags on opposite sides of the room. It's not his fault he was cursed with the non-ability to sleep with any sort of light in the room. Well, at least Marty's mother doesn't allow him to attend their sleepovers.

Marty is Buffy's romantic soulmate. They met the night of Andi's party, instantly hitting it off with competitive but flirty banter. When they each got home, they noticed they had received soulmate marks. They weren't sure, but hoped it was each other.

Buffy had never had a crush, but out of everyone she had interacted with at the party, Marty was the only one she could even possibly see herself falling for. The next time they saw each other, when Buffy joined the track team, the glow tipped them off. They'd been together ever since, and while Marty liked her right away, Buffy eventually grew her own feelings a few months later.

Another thing Cyrus knew was that each mark has three different colours. The first colour corresponds to whether it's romantic or platonic, the second corresponds to your romantic orientation, and the third corresponds to an extra specification of your romantic orientation — if applicable. Obviously, every aromantic person has a platonic soulmate, but the soulmate of a romantic person can be platonic too.

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