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That's it everyone.

Guys I really hope you all liked this, it was really cool to write. I hope it was equally enjoyable to read!

Now that you have read the whole story, please feel free to give me some all-things-considered advice and even criticisms. And... all compliments are of course warmly welcomed and appreciated so much 😬. Please, if there is something you are unsure of or still confused about, please let me know so I can make things more clear and add to the story where needed. Once again, this is the first book I have written entirely, so there is sure to be several issues with it. Also, just let me know if there was something that was especially enjoyable, that way I can know what went well!

So, believe it or not, I have actually already started working on a sequel. I feel like this is a little dangerous for me to say because it is likely that it will take me a good long time to finish it. That being said, if I get enough of the beginning figured out, I might just start publishing😬 fingers crossed!!

Also I've got some other books I've been working on and hope to publish soon! So keep your eyes open if you enjoy my writing style and want to see something more 😉

I want to express my appreciation one last time 🤩 you guys are amazing! I have received nothing but positive from you guys, and when critique was added, it was always polite and respectful. I am so appreciative of all of you! Please feel free to message me any time or leave a comment anywhere. You guys are the best!

This is the last you'll be hearing for me for a while I think. Good luck out there everyone. Please be safe!

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