Chapter 52. Letters of strategy

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(Hey guys, I'm sorry about missing the regular posting last Sunday. I was out of town and I had no WiFi... I will make sure not to miss it tomorrow though.)

Some letters of strategy, for the believers:

1. Concerning my last letter:
2. I have heard many times that there are those who are concerned with how we can take our place among the stars.
3. This worry is not without merit!
4. Unfortunately, at our present development, we are not advanced enough to travel far into space. This is no surprise to anyone. And how can we think to traverse the universes while simple problems such as hunger and disease still plague our civilizations?
5. See it as such: let us continue to progress our technologies. There is no need to end our dreams of living outside of this world.
6. Instead, remember that all progression is linked together like the branches of a plant are connected to a stalk.
7. If one branch is dying, then we say of the plant, "it is failing, and will not continue to grow well." And this is true.
9. To give up on one aspect of progression is to give up on progression as a whole.
10. Imagine now a being that desires a strengthened body. She will try the body, test it rigorously with exercise.
11. Now with this desire, does she say to herself that, "my left arm is not as important to me as my right. I will push my left arm to strength, but will leave my right arm alone"? No, this is foolishness!
12. Build our nations as a body. Progress as a whole, in every aspect.
13. We are kings. Go forth and be as such.

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