Chapter 7. Orbiting Gnumus

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Tyler: Human

The team sat patiently in the bright waiting room. They had arrived at the Circuit mothership only a few minuets ago, and had been guided through the ship by a friendly Circuit who told them the Queen had been expecting them.

The room was decorated nicely, with comfortable furniture for the visitors. It was clear that the room was meant for beings other than the Circuits to lounge in; all the furniture was obviously only meant for someone that stood on the floor and could sit, not for something that hung from the ceiling as the Circuits do.

As she sat waiting with the team, Tyler wondered what kind of furniture the Circuits would use to rest in, if they used any at all.

It wasn't long before the Circuit Queen glided into the room. She looked like the rest of the Circuits except for an elegant crown looking decoration above her head.

"Welcome Travelers." She said with a smiled voice. "I trust that my officers treated you with the utmost hospitality while you waited?"

Tyler smiled kindly. Hospitality? They hadn't seen a single Circuit since the guide dropped them off into the room.

"Yes your majesty." Promptly answered Byralnus. "Let me introduce myself and my crew. I am Captain Byralnus. We are the CSC's team seven. This," he pointed towards each of the teammates, "is Jirabi Malba, my first mate; Heva Belnag, species specialist; Tyler Jacobs, engineering specialist; and EquirBai, the... extra hand."

Bai glared at him.

"The Pleasure is all mine." Said the Queen, nodding to each of them in turn. "Please, let us move to a room that is more comfortable. Shall we?" she raised her metallic arm and led them out the door.

Just outside the door stood two larger Circuits with bulkier bodies to escort the Queen as they all filed from the door into the wide hallway.

The hallway was filled with Circuits gliding swiftly from place to place, but as the group moved out into the bustle the Circuits all moved aside in respect to the Queen.

"Your majesty." Called Byralnus, "I assume you know why we are here?"

"Yes Captain Byralnus. Please, let us find a place more private before we 'get down to business' as they say."

The group walked in silence behind the Queen and her escorts. The Circuit ship was impressive, and as Tyler walked she could see some Human designs that were integrated into the Circuit culture.

It was interesting to see a Circuit up close for the first time. Examining them, it was suddenly clear to Tyler why she had never seen one in person before. Their oval bodies were attached to the ceiling of the ship by a thick metal pole, as if they were physically part of the ship.

Put simply, one had to be on a Circuit ship to see a Circuit.

Soon the group turned down a separate hallway that led to a room that was similar to the waiting room they were just in, but smaller and more formal and private. The room had a row of chairs that were all placed in a semicircle formation in the middle of the room.

Each of them took seats as the guards waited outside and the door was closed.

The Queen glided to the center of the semi circle facing the group. "Alright, Captain Byralnus. We may speak freely in this room."

"Yes your majesty." Said Byralnus courtly. "As I said earlier, we represent the Conservation of Species Committee and we are here to discuss a possible endangerment with your species. I assume you are aware of the... endangerment?"

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