Chapter 12: Cross my heart.

Start from the beginning

'' If this isn't some sort of fairy tale then why do you have wings?''

He asked more seriously as they continued to walk. Y/N let out a sigh.

'' Its a long story so I'll try to make it short.''

She had Jungkook's full attention now as he sipped on his cold beverage.

'' So my people my kind, are what you would call dream keepers. Although you humans have always known us in stories as angles. ''

Y/N began.

'' Technically though we kind of are, my mother once told me when I was younger that we were sent down from heaven to protect people's dreams, why. Well because they were being stolen by the fallen, angles who grew greedy and envious that humans could dream such beautiful things and they could not. They don't have dreams you see.''

'' Wait wait so you...''

'' Have never had a dream, well I have.''

Y/N answered making Jungkooks brow lift a little, his eyes round with curiosity.

'' But aren't you one of those ehm angel keeper things?''

'' Half I am half, my mother was a keeper, my father is human.''

'' So can you see others' dreams or?''

Y/N shook her head sighing.

'' I got the wings but not the gift of drifting sight. My mother would insist that it would come in time but so far nothing, just theses babies.''

Y/N patted one of her shoulder blades whilst Jungkook nodded.

'' So how did your parents meet then?''

Jungkook asked causing Y/N to smile.

'' If a keeper has been loyal to their duty for more then two hundred years they are granted one gift of their choosing.''

'' TWO HUNDRED-em two hundred years?!''

Jungkook bent over whispering whilst people passing looked at him strangely.

Y/N laughed whilst nodding her head.

'' Yes now moving on.''

Jungkook nodding his ears red from embarrassment as they continued their walk.

'' My mother wished to become flesh, not human just physical. Our bodies are kind of ghost-like, you walk right through us and have no knowledge of us being there. ''

'' Now that's cool!''

Jungkook grinned throwing away his empty cup in a bin nearby before walking back.

'' And by doing that she met your dad?''

'' Yup, he was working at a convenience store a few roads down my mom would go there for late-night snacks and they became pretty good friends. A few years later they started dating he popped the question and the rest is history.''

Jungkook smiled down at Y/N before eyeing the brownie in the packet she still hadn't touched.

'' Are you gonna eat that or can I have it?''

Y/N gasped dramatically quickly taking it out and stuffing it into her mouth.

'' Or not!''

He laughed at her puffed out cheeks as she chewed, slowly squinting her eyes at him.

Once she was done they decided to head someplace for lunch and afterward just walk around. To say she wasn't having fun would be a lie, Jungkook was excellent company and a good friend.What was even more surprising to her was that he seemed to take in all the information quite well!
Y/N was never one to really open up so easily but she unwillingly found herself trusting the coconut head.

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