Chapter Five: Hot chocolate buddy.

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Y/N tiredly trudged into the front door of her apartment house, shedding her coat leaving it lying on the floor as she walked inside sighing.  

She hadn't been able to sleep for the past two days, not only because she came home later from work, but because of Taehyungs weird dream. 

Groaning she flung herself onto her giant comfy bed, closing her eyes and letting out a relaxed sigh. 

*-----------------( Early morning ) -------------------------*

Prying her eyes open, Y/N pushed herself up gently off her bed looking around her room, her face slightly swollen from her late slumber. 

Looking over to her alarm clock it was nine o'clock precisely. She sighed scratching her head and looking over to her mirror, only to let out a snort.

She was still her clothes from last night, her hair was sticking out in every direction,  there was a red mark on her cheek from lying down. 

in other words, she looked like a royal mess.

'' Well I don't have work today or tomorrow, so might as well spoil myself a little....have some me time.'' 

She got up walking over to the bathroom and started filling it up with warm water. Opening the sink cabinet she took out some pink bath salt, along with a bath bomb. 

putting in some of the salt she plopped the bath bomb in and shed her clothing, sinking into the warm rose smelling water. 

After soaking for a little she started scrubbing her skin with the bubbles and shampooed and conditioned her hair. After that, she got out wrapping a peach-colored towel around herself and let the water drain, drying her hair and doing her skincare routine.  

Walking back into her room she opened her closet to the few clothes she had. She never enjoyed shopping that much on her own, she thought it was a nice thing to do with people rather than by yourself. 

Y/N pulled out a long red coat and a pair of black boots and thick thermal leggings, moving to her drawer she pulled out a long oversized white turtleneck.  

She always got sweaters and turtlenecks oversized because to her, comfort comes first. 

After getting dressed she looked at the clock again. Ten fifteen, it said. 

'' Hmm, I wonder if Jimin's bakery is open today.''   She said to herself grabbing her car and house keys.

A few minutes later fo driving, Y/N found herself in front of the cute little bakery. Smiling to herself seeing as it was open she pushed the door, letting herself in. 

The bell above let out its merry ring making some people who were sitting at their tables give her a few glances, before going back to their conversations. The warmth and smell of the bakery engulfed her making her smile.  

Jimin peaked his head out from the back opening his mouth to shout a welcome but stopped once he saw her. He broke out into a grin walking over to the counter where she gave him a sweet smile.  

'' Well look who it is, I haven't seen you in a few days I thought you might have forgotten about this place. '' 

Y/N shook her head letting out a chuckle. 

''  After that croissant, never.'' 

It was Jimins' turn to let out a chuckle as he shook his head his lips going into a faint pout. 

'' So you didn't miss me at all?'' 

Y/N scoffed rolling her eyes playfully,  Jimin smiling at this.  

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